Call for Papers for an Edited Book: Reconsidering Classical Indian Thoughts

25 March 2011
Call for Papers for an Edited Book: Reconsidering Classical Indian Thoughts
Deadline: 30 April 2011

Call for Papers for an Edited Book titled “RECONSIDERING CLASSICAL INDIAN THOUGHTS” to be published by Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS), Milestone Education Society (Regd.) Pehowa (Kurukshetra)-136128


Recent years have seen the beginning of a radical reassessment of the philosophical literature of ancient and classical India. The analytical techniques of contemporary philosophy are being deployed towards fresh and original interpretation of the texts. This rational, rather than mystical approach towards Indian philosophical theories have resulted in a need to work which explain afresh its central methods, courses and devices. The present book is a significant step on this part because it recognizes the potentials of classical Indian tradition and its vast wisdom to contribute in all realms of life.


The following sub-themes are not exhaustive. However paper on other themes and address classical Indian thoughts are also invited:

* Historical Development of Classical Indian Thoughts
* Ecological Aspects of Vedic Literature
* Socio-Political Philosophy in Ramayana
* Ethical Teachings in Mahabharata
* Psycho-Spiritual Approaches to Upanishads
* Social Welfare in Srimad Bhagavad -Gita
* Development of Indian Logic
* Development of Natural Philosophy in Indian Thoughts
* Linguistic Approach in Indian Philosophy
* Relevance of Classical Indian Thoughts
* Education-System in Classical Indian Thoughts
* Indian Value System: Theory & Practice
* Mythological Themes in ancient Indian Literature
* Aesthetic Consciousness in Classical Indian Literature
* Theories of Social Progress in Indian Literature
* Philosophical Development in Classical Thoughts
* Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Modern Indian Literature
* Any other topic related to theme.

The background of this book was an ICPR Sponsored One-Day Regional seminar on “Reconsidering Classical Indian Thoughts” held at Depts. of Sanskrit and Philosophy, Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh on 27th November, 2011.


Research papers are invited from faculty and research scholars on the thrust area of the book or any other related topic with an abstract of 350 words latest by 30 April, 2011 by e-mail to The abstract should provide an outline of the main themes/questions and research method. Please make sure that your abstract includes the following: Title, name of the author, affiliation, complete contact details and a short author’s bio.

Each paper must have to accompany a declaration by all the contributors saying that: they are the authors of the paper, and the paper is original, has not been published and submitted for publication elsewhere. The paper should have contemporary relevance; contribute to the existing body of knowledge, conceptual clarity and logic in analysis, readable language appropriate references. It is also noted that, accepted paper is copy edited according to above criteria. Further, authors own the copy right of article only up to publication. One hard copy and a CD or email with paper as attachment must be sent till date 31th May, 2011 on below given address.

Style of the Script:

The article should be typewritten preferably in new Times New Roman font with 12 sizes (English) and Kruti Dev font with 14 sizes (Hindi) in MS-Word 2003. Further, it may have sewtting of double space on A4 paper having margins of 1.5” on left side and 1” on other three sides. Final paper should be about 4,000 to 5,000 words. There must be an abstract of 50-60 words giving summary of the paper.

Reference Style:

References, at the end of the paper must provide complete information of each source. Arrange references in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author and then by his initials. The following style of reference may be strictly followed:

* In case of journal: Authors last name, initials, year of publication, name of the paper, name of the journal (italic), volume number, issue number and page number.
* In case of a Book: Authors last name, initials, year of publication, title of the book(italic), name of publisher, place of publication and page numbers.
* In case of an edited Book: Authors last name, initials, year of publication, name of the editor, title of the book (italic), name of publisher, place of publication and page numbers.
* In case of institution/Govt. report: full name of the institution/ministry, year of publication, place of publication.

Publication Charges: There will be a reasonable charge for each contributed paper according to present volume.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal, (Programme Coordinator, CPPIS, Pehowa),Near Guga Maidi, House no.255/06, Balmiki Colony, Pehowa, Distt. Kurukshetra (Haryana)-136128 Email:, Mobile No.09896848775 (Haryana), 08968544048 (Chandigarh)
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