Apply for the UK - Chevening International Scholarship Scheme (includes media studies/ journalism)

01 March 2011
Apply for the UK - Chevening International Scholarship Scheme (includes media studies/ journalism)
Deadline: 16 March 2011 (Korea)

Before making an application you should visit the local British Embassy or High Commission or British Council office website, where any details about how the scheme will run locally will soon be published; including if the Chevening programme is running in your country, any local guidance or criteria, as well as application opening and closing dates.

You can apply for a Chevening scholarship using our online application system eChevening. Remember that Chevening scholarships are prestigious and sought after awards aimed at extremely capable individuals who have already made an impact and are motivated to pursue a career that will take them to a position of leadership within their own country.

What is the Chevening Programme?

The Chevening programme has, over 26 years, provided more than 30,000 Scholarships at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the UK for postgraduate students or researchers from countries across the world.

Largely funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Scholarship scheme also receives significant contributions from HEIs and other organisations in the UK, and from a wide range of overseas sponsors including governmental and private sector bodies, with which the FCO or its overseas Posts have partnership agreements.

The programme is managed by the British Council, on behalf of the FCO, both in the UK and overseas.

The Embassy will accept applications for scholarships to study in the following fields. We will not fund English language courses, such as TEFL. MBA programmes are also not a priority for this scheme:

* Politics
* International Affairs
* Law fields, including human rights and international law
* Climate Change/Energy
* Development Studies
* Public Administration
* Corporate Governance/Fighting Corruption
* Finance/Economics
* Science
* Media Studies

Applications for the scheme must be submitted online by 16 March 2011. You must apply online through the online Chevening application site.

Frequently Asked Questions


Chevening scheme opened: 31 January

Deadline for submitting application: 16 March

Sifting applications: 17 March - 6 April

Interviews: Throughout April

Candidates informed: Mid-May

What are Chevening scholarships?

Chevening scholarships are a prestigious worldwide scholarship programme, funded by the British Government. About 2,000 scholars and fellows from around the world receive awards to study in the UK each year. The Chevening scholarship scheme aims to provide opportunities for potential leaders, decision makers and opinion formers to study in the UK so they can contribute to the future development of their country.

What does a successful scholar look like?

There is no such thing as a 'typical' Chevening scholar! Successful scholars are very diverse - former scholars include senior civil servants, lawyers, specialists in human rights, politicians, business people and journalists. What they have in common is the potential to be leaders in their fields.

What can I study?

Chevening scholarships are awarded for one-year Masters level postgraduate courses. We do not award scholarships for undergraduate programmes. We will only consider postdoctoral study in exceptional circumstances. We will not fund students who have already started their course in the UK, for example, the second year of a Masters degree or the second/third years of postdoctoral research.

The Embassy will accept applications for scholarships to study in the following fields. We will not fund English language courses, such as TEFL:

* Politics
* International Affairs
* Law fields, including human rights and international law
* Climate Change/Energy
* Development Studies
* Public Administration
* Corporate Governance/Fighting Corruption
* Finance/Economics
* Science
* Media Studies (including Journalism, New Media & Mass Communications)

Where can I study?

Chevening scholarships are awarded for study in universities in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) only.

Who can apply?

It is our policy to provide equal opportunity to all who are eligible for the programme on the basis of ability and qualifications. Applications from all qualified persons, including women, members of minority ethnic groups and people with disabilities are therefore welcome.

In order to apply for a Chevening Scholarship you should meet the following general conditions:

Condition 1 - you must not be a British Citizen (although dual nationals will be considered on a case by case basis).

Condition 2 - you must have at least one qualification at degree level or equivalent.

Current or recent employees of the British Embassy and the British Council are not eligible.

English Language Requirements

Applicants need to have a very good standard of English to benefit from study in the UK. British universities will expect a minimum IELTS score of 6.5. You should submit evidence of your language ability with your Chevening scholarship application. IELTS score is preferred but TOEFL (minimum 100) will also be accepted. If your previous degree was taught entirely in English, this will usually serve as evidence of your ability.

Apply online via eChevening.

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