Travel Writers Wanted for Madhya Pradesh, India

21 February 2011
Travel Writers Wanted for Madhya Pradesh, India
We are currently hiring travel writers to cover Madhya Pradesh.

We are looking for writers who love travel and adventure and are sensitive to local ways of life, people and nature. You should be eager to explore uncharted territory, observe and absorb the local way of life in your writing and be adept in converting your travel experiences into thoughtful and original content useful for others. You must be thorough in your research and responsible in your writing. You should be willing to embrace and adapt to unexpected and sometime uncomfortable situations (the roads in MP are bumpy and few and far between). We are looking for people who believe in the transformational power of travel. If this sounds like you, contact us NOW!

If you would like to apply to be a Travel Writer for Madhya Pradesh please send us your CV, 500 words on your favorite place in India in your travel writing style, at least two other samples of your writing relevant to India Guide and 200 words on why you want to write for India Guide to


Proficiency in Hindi and English

Minimum one year writing/travel writing/journalism experience

Basic knowledge of photography is helpful

Former experience with/knowledge of Madhya Pradesh is an added strength

Join the India Guide Travel Writer’s Database

If you would like to be part of the India Guide writer/research database, send us your CV, 500 words on your favorite place in India in your travel writing style, at least two other samples of your writing relevant to India Guide and 200 words on why you want to write for India Guide to If there is a specific subject(s) or region that moves you, please let us know so that we can keep it in mind. If we think there is a fit in skill, spirit and scope, you’ll become part of the India Guide network and we will contact you every time travel calls.

More information here.
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