Macau Daily Times Short Story Competition

14 February 2011
Macau Daily Times Short Story Competition
Deadline: 13 May 2011


The “MDT Short Story” Award, set up by Macau Daily Times, intends to encourage the writing experience in the different communities of Macau, as well as the promotion of new literary talent.

Article 1
The competition is open to all Macau Residents, with exception to the Macau Daily Times journalists and the Macau Daily Publications Ltd. employees.

Article 2

1. The works must be original and may be submitted in English, Chinese or Portuguese.

2. The participants may submit up to three texts but only one can be awarded.

3. The stories have no minimum words limit but cannot exceed five thousand words in English or Portuguese and ten thousand words in Chinese.

4. The short stories must have Macau as the theme.

Article 3
1. All works must be delivered in the Macau Daily Times newsroom (Av. Infante D. Henrique nr. 62, Centro Comercial Central, 2nd floor) until 6 p.m. on 13 May, 2011.

2. The registration date of works sent by mail will be the one on the dispatch stamp.

3. Participants must submit each story within a sealed envelope with the legible pseudonym adopted by the author written, and with the reference “Short Story Award/Macau Daily Times”.

§ – A contestant must use the same pseudonym if competing with more than one story.

4. Each document must be submitted in five copies, in A4 paper, printed on one side, with its CD-ROM containing the document file, which must be formatted in font size 12 (Times New Roman, for English or Portuguese, and SimSun, for Chinese).

5. The participants must also submit a second sealed envelope, under the same pseudonym, with:

a. A copy of the Macau Resident Identity Card

b. Address, phone number and/or e-mail address.

Article 4

1. The participant works will be judged by three judges, for the works in English, Chinese and Portuguese, chaired by the Director of the Macau Daily Times or his representative.

2. The decision of the jury will be taken unanimously or by majority.

3. In case of tie, the president has casting vote.

4. There will be no appeal to the decision of the jury.

5. The results should be published in the Macau Daily Times and on the Chinese and Portuguese-written press by 9 June, 2011.

Article 5

The jury may not award any prize whenever they deem that the submitted works do not fall under this regulation or when they do not meet merit and/or quality requirements.

Article 6

Each of the three winners – in English, Chinese and Portuguese – will be awarded the following prizes:

1st place: MOP 5,000.00 and the guarantee that the story will be published in book, in its original version and in the other two languages in competition.

2nd place: MOP 3,000.00 and the guarantee that the story will be published in book, in its original version and in the other two languages in competition.

3rd place: MOP 2,000.00 and the guarantee that the story will be published in book, in its original version and in the other two languages in competition.

§ – If the jury sees fit, honourable mentions may be awarded.

Article 7

1. The works submitted for competition will not be returned to the authors.

2. The Macau Daily Times reserves the right to publish the original and translated versions of the awarded works, being understood that the copyright for the first publication belongs to the editor and the subsequent publications copyright belong to the author.

More information here.
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