Featured Poem: Movements by Ananya S. Guha

13 February 2011
Featured Poem: Movements by Ananya S. Guha

It is a pause
as winter mists
unfurl on hills
little alleys and greens.
Trees wither into mellowed
blues, and escapades are nostalgia.
Past glows into feather beds (of sorrow).
Miniscule moments, hiatus.
I breathe freely, poetry happens
and the day swerves into future.
Sunshine is autonomy, cloudy seas
another episode. Movements capture
into happenings, the soiled wet earth
asks for a clammy pause.
Fruit sellers jingle coins, so do shop keepers.
The sun is now busily eating out of remnants.
Work should end soon, and a poem.

Ananya S. Guha lives in Shillong in North East India and works in the Indira Gandhi National Open University. He has four collections of poetry to his credit. In addition, his poems have appeared in four anthologies of poetry, and several print/online magazines such as Indian Literature, Kavya Bharati, Chandrabhaga, The Telegraph, Femina, New Quest, Journal Of Indian Writing In English, The Statesman, Poesis, Poetry Chronicle, New Welsh Review, Glasgow Review, Osprey Journal, Gloom Cupboard, Muse India, etc. He also writes for newspapers and magazines on education and subjects of general interest.
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