Darul Huda Essay Contest - Modernization of Islamic Education in the Era of Globalization: Threats and Promise

21 February 2011
Darul Huda Essay Contest - Modernization of Islamic Education in the Era of Globalization: Threats and Promise
Deadline: 10 March 2011 (extended from 20 February 2011, see this announcement on The Hindu)


All students in private/ public/ religious institutions/ colleges/ universities are eligible to participate in the contest.

Rules and Regulations

All essays must comply with the following before submission:

1. Essays should be written in English language.
2. The subject of essay is "Modernization of Islamic education in the era of globalization; Threats and promise"
3. Students who learn in Darul Huda Islamic University and its affiliated institutions are not allowed to participate.
4. The essay must be submitted on or before March 10, 2011 (see announcement on The Hindu).
5. No literary form other than an essay will be accepted.
6. Each essay must reflect the contestant's own research, writing and original thinking.
7. Only one typed essay may be submitted by each contestant.
8. The essay text is limited to Ten Full scap pages, 1.5 -spaced, 12-point font, and single-sided, numbered pages with one-inch margins.
9. The title page and bibliography will not be included in the Ten Full scap pages.
10. A Soft copy should be enclosed along with essay. (CD or Email)
11. All prize winners will be announced on the Silver jubilee web site www.dhiusilverjubileee.com
12. Each essay must contain a title page, not considered text, with the following information:
Essay title
Author's name
Name of institution (for student) Address of institution with contact number
13. Copyright of the essays entered, will be assigned to the organizers
14. Entries can be submitted only by postal mail.
15. Essays will not be returned to the author; DHIU may reprint the essays for educational purposes.
16. Send your entries to:

National Essay Contest
DHIU Silver Jubilee Grand Conference
Darul Huda Islamic University
Chemmad, Thirurangadi P.O
Malappuram(Dist), Kerala,India, 676503

Or please e-mail to
essaydhiu@gmail.com, dhiusilverjubilee@gmail.com

Register here.
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