Call for Submissions: The California Journal of Oriental Medicine Spring/ Summer 2011 Issue

24 February 2011
Call for Submissions: The California Journal of Oriental Medicine Spring/ Summer 2011 Issue
Deadline: 15 March 2011

The California Journal of Oriental Medicine (CJOM) is currently accepting articles on all aspects of Oriental medicine for its upcoming Spring/Summer 2011 issue. Now in its 23rd year of publication, CJOM features articles on Oriental medicine research, techniques and history. CJOM goes out to 15,000 acupuncturists, vendors, and Oriental medicine colleges and libraries nationwide.

The deadline for submitting articles for the Spring/Summer 2011 issue of CJOM is Tuesday, March 15, 2010. You can submit your articles or send questions to

CJOM Instructions for Authors

CJOM publishes articles and papers that emphasize research, clinical therapies, and historical data in acupuncture and Oriental medicine. The Journal seeks to provide information that enables practitioners to evaluate therapies and integrate into their practices those that are appropriate. The Journal does not attempt to promote any one therapy over another.

Examples of areas covered by CJOM include, but are not limited to: acupuncture; Oriental herbal medicine; Oriental nutritional therapy; and Qi cultivation techniques, including tai ji, qi gong, and Oriental therapeutic massage techniques.

All manuscripts should be original, not previously published, and not submitted simultaneously to another publication. CJOM reserves exclusive rights to publish articles for a six-month period following publication in the Journal.

Manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and brevity. Articles with substantial edits will be returned to the author for revision.

Please observe the following editorial guidelines:

Article Submission

Submissions are encouraged from individuals who can present accurate, detailed information that can be clinically useful to licensed acupuncturists.

Manuscript Preparation


Manuscripts should include a cover letter listing the author(s)’ titles, degrees, affiliations, business address, telephone/fax numbers, and e-mail address.

Articles should be no more than 3,000 words.

The manuscript should have a main title and subheads to indicate subdivisions in the text.

Abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out when first used.

Lines should be single-spaced. Double spacing should be used between paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs. Do not use automatic formatting.


Manuscripts should include an abstract at the beginning of the article containing a brief synopsis of the major points of the article. Abstract length should be approximately 150 words.

Author Information

Include a brief biographical description of the author(s). Biographies must be limited to 25 words or less. Please refrain from stating promotional contact information.

Provide a labeled photograph of the author(s), devices used, and treatments applied. Photos will not be returned. Electronic (jpeg) files are preferred.

Manuscripts, photographs, and all correspondence may be mailed on CD or DVD to:

703 Market St, Ste 250
San Francisco, CA 94103

Electronic files may be e-mailed to

More information here.
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