Call for Submissions/ Works in Translation: Gulf Coast's International Issue

31 January 2011
Call for Submissions/ Works in Translation: Gulf Coast's International Issue
Deadline: 1 March 2011

In preparation for a special “International Issue,” Gulf Coast is seeking poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from writers based in and/or writing about cultures outside the U.S. We are interested in seeing both work originally in English and work in translation.

Translations should be accompanied by a copy of the original text, along with short bios for both the author and translator in your cover letter. Please secure all translation permissions prior to submitting the work.

Submit your work online and include the words "International Issue" somewhere in the title field or cover letter.

Payment for accepted work varies depending on availability of funds, but is a minimum of $30 per poem, $20 per page of prose up to $150, $50 per review, and $100 per interview.

Submit here.
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