James Lorimer and Company (Canada) Accepting YA Submissions (with diverse ethnic background)

03 November 2010
James Lorimer and Company (Canada) Accepting YA Submissions (with diverse ethnic background)
James Lorimer and Company is presently accepting submissions for its young adult SideStreets novel series.

SideStreets (ongoing)

· Interest level: ages 13 and up (high school/YA)
· Reading level: grades 3-5 (hi-lo)
· Length: 30,000 words
· Genre: realistic, contemporary, issues-based fiction

SideStreets novels are fast-paced, high-interest stories with the ability to pull in even the most reluctant teen readers. They feature realistic characters, situations, and dialogue, and explore the often difficult feelings and situations faced by contemporary Canadian teens. We’re not interested in overdone story lines drawn from the world of movies and television rather than from real life. Past topics include: addiction, sexuality, bullying, runaways, mental disorders, and gambling. Characters must be aged 15 and up. Stories that feature male main characters are especially welcome. Settings must be Canadian and contemporary, and diversity of background in terms of race, class and ethnicity is particularly welcome.

Before you submit, please read the following SideStreets books to get a sense of what we’re looking for:

Klepto by Lori Weber
On the Game by Monique Polak
Hell’s Hotel by Leslie Choyce

Please send submissions to:

YA and Children’s Book Editor
James Lorimer & Company Ltd.
317 Adelaide Street West, Suite 1002
Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1P9

More information here.
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