Call for Submissions: Asian Journal of Women's Studies

30 October 2010
Call for Submissions: Asian Journal of Women's Studies
Asian Journal of Women's Studies (AJWS) is a multi-disciplinary international forum for the presentation of feminist scholarship and criticism in the fields of the humanities and the social sciences. It seeks contributions from individuals and collectives of different backgrounds not merely in Asia but all over the world. Regarding contributions and all other matters, please write to: Editor, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, Asian Center for Women's Studies, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Republic of Korea. Tel: (82-2) 3277-2150 /Fax: (82-2) 3277-2577 /Email: / URL:

AJWS has the following objectives: to share information and scholarly ideas about women's issues in Asia and all over the world; assisting a range of writing and experience in women's studies to find a voice; and to publish translations and thus disseminate the work of scholars who write in different languages to a wider audience.

The first edition of the journal was published in 1995 to commemorate the opening of the Asian Center for Women's Studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. As of 1997, the journal is being published four times a year.

AJWS is included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Current Contents/ Social & Behavioral Sciences of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as of December 1997.

Language Policy

AJWS uses nonsexist language. Languages other than English should be transcribed in the standard form of that county.


ARTICLES should be no longer than 30 pages, typed in double-space. Manuscripts submitted as RESEARCH NOTES should be no longer than 15 pages.

Co-authored work

In the case of work by two or more persons, the name of the main author should come first, followed by the names of co-authors. In the case of the work by one main author, who is assisted by one or more others, but does not claim full authorship, the names of the latter should be added after the main author's name followed by the word "with." As indicated in the following examples:

- Lee Key Woo, CHO Kisuk, and LEE Wun Ju
- Geetanjali Singh CHANDA with Norman G. OWEN

Authors should include, for each author, the full name as it should appear in print if the article is accepted; a brief biographical note of not more than 80 words; full postal and e-mail address; and all relevant telephone and fax numbers on the first page of the manuscript.


An abstract of no more than 150 words, typed on a separate page, should accompany the manuscript.


A list of up to 6 keywords, listed after the title should accompany the manuscript.


Notes referring to the text should be used only when absolutely necessary. They should be numbered consecutively and typed on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript, to appear in an endnotes section.

Citation in Text

List the author's last name and the year of publication (and the page for specific reference) within parenthesis at the proper place.

- Example: Technology . . . serves the existing order (Rothschild, 1983: 84-5).


All works cited in the text must be listed in the reference section. Avoid abbreviations of journal titles and incomplete information. As indicated in the following examples:

- For a book: Sargent, Lydia (ed.) (1981), Women and Revolution: A Discussion of the Unhappy
Marriage of Marxism and Feminism, Boston: South End Press.
- For an article in a book: Browne, A. (1988), "A Women's Co-operative in the Gambia: Sukuta
Communal garden Project," All Are Not Equal: African Women in Co-operatives, ed. L. Mayoux, London: Institute for African Alternatives.
- For a journal article: Perry, Ruth and Lisa Greber (1990), "Women and Computers: An Introduction, Sings, 16 (1): 74-101.

Review Process

Editors make a preliminary evaluation and select appropriate reviewers based on their judgement. All contributions are then subject to reviews by readers in relevant disciplines for a double blind review. Reviewers are asked to send their evaluations, comments, and suggestions for revision to the editors. After the review by the readers, the editors make a final decision about acceptance, rejection, or revision in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. The review process can take three months or more. Every effort will be made to decide on publication within 6 months. Authors are welcome to check on the status of their manuscript after three months. Manuscripts, for Asian Journal of Women's Studies (AJWS), must be in English, typed in double space, on A4 paper. Contributors are requested to send an original manuscript, two duplicate manuscripts, and an electronic version in Microsoft Word by e-mail as an attachment or a 3.5" diskette. Manuscripts submitted will not be returned to the contributor. All authors receive two copies of the journal in which their contribution appears.

Yanghee Kim
Managing Editor
Asian Journal of Women's Studies
ACWS, Ewha Womans Universtiy
11-1 Seodaemun-gu, Daehyun-dong, Seoul 120-750, Korea
T +82-2-3277-2150 F +82-2-3277-2577

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