Call for Contributions: The Indian Blog World (paying market)

25 October 2010
Call for Contributions: The Indian Blog World (paying market)
Want to become a contributor to ?

Register here and submit your post for review. If your post is found to be of satisfactory content and quality, we will publish it.

Promotion from January 2010 (valid from 1 st Jan 10):

All posts published and selected under the Headline section will get paid as per the below guidelines:

Contributors from India (Payments via bank transfer):

* Headline: Rupees (INR) 100.00

For international contributors (Payments via Paypal):

* Headline: USD 2.00

All payments will be made in multiples of Rupees 1000 or USD 20.

Posts that are published, but do not get selected to the Headline sections will not be eligible for payments under this promotion.

Guidelines to keep in mind:

* please only post unique and original content, we will be doing a uniqueness check before publishing.
* avoid racist, inflammatory, hate or other objectionable content
* try to insert a relevant picture for each post, please ensure that you have permission to use this picture (if you are copying it from another site)
* articles to be minimum of 150 words, no practical upper limit, you can also post short stories
* the decision of the review panel to publish or reject a post, and selection to Headline, Featured or Showcase category is final.
* if your post is well written, relevant to our site, is popular and attracts many comments and views, our panel will move your post to the headline section.

Links for your reference:

* Blog:
* Login:
* Register:

Steps to contribute:

* Register at the above link
* Submit your posts for review
* Update your details (bank details) in your profile page
* If you want to be paid via Paypal, please send us the details of which account to pay into

Happy blogging !

More information here.
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