Deadline: 15 November 2010
A book to be co-edited by Chaka Chaka (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) and Tamishra Swain (Banasthali University, India)
Title of the Book: Afro-Asian Experiences in Language Learning through New Technologies: Research and Practice
Issues related to African and Asian experiences in language learning and teaching may have been researched and documented accordingly. However, there exists a scholarly need to compile and document Afro-Asian language learning and teaching experiences by researchers and practitioners at lower (school) and higher educational (college and university) levels in a composite book. In particular, there is an added need to compile and document such experiences as informed by the use of new technologies (e.g., online, wireless, and mobile technologies). This is particularly so since new technologies have impacted not only on English but on other languages worldwide as well. So, some of the questions this composite book will try to answer are the following:
• What specific experiences do Afro-Asian researchers and practitioners have regarding the use of new technologies in language learning and teaching in their respective regions?
• What best practices of the applications of new technologies in Afro-Asian language teaching can Afro-Asian scholars and practitioners share with their peers and other scholars?
• What are the current pedagogical approaches and innovations related to Afro-Asian language learning and teaching that scholars and practitioners employ?
• What are projects, pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies focusing on Afro-Asian language learning and teaching that researchers and practitioners can share with their peers and others?
Objectives of the Book
The major objective of the proposed book is to present, in a composite book, in-depth research, academic and theoretical chapters on contemporary issues related to Afro-Asian language learning and teaching as informed by the use new technologies. The book also intends providing a space for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to articulate and appropriate experiences, and new models and approaches so as to interrogate pertinent issues related to Afro-Asian languages. In addition, it serves as an avenue for exploring the interface between new technologies and Afro-Asian languages within multiple Afro-Asian contexts. Most importantly, it provides a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to present their best practices, projects, pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies as they relate to Afro-Asian language teaching and learning using new technologies.
Target Audience
The target audience of this book will comprise students, scholars, practitioners, researchers and professionals of Afro-Asian languages. Moreover, the book will provide insights and understandings to scholars, researchers and practitioners of other languages as well.
Recommended Topics
Recommended topics for this book, whose primary focus is on Afro-Asian language learning and teaching experiences as informed by new technologies, are outlined below. However, we are also keen to receive illuminating and innovative submissions in other areas not included in our list:
• Language learning and teaching experiences
• Best practices
• Lessons learned
• Innovative pedagogical approaches and design issues
• Assessment or evaluation procedures for language learning and teaching
• Skills, vocabulary and grammar teaching
• Pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies
• Use of new technologies (e.g., mobile phones/smart phones, iPods, PDAs, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, Google Docs, social networks, etc
• Digital identities and discourses within the multiple Afro-Asian learning contexts
• Digital literacies and multiliteracies
• Evaluation of the usability of new technologies
• Prospects, and future implementations and trends for deploying new technologies in Afro-Asian contexts
We are keen to receive submissions in two forms:
(1) Academic papers detailing original thoughts and first-hand experiences in varied areas of Afro-Asian learning and teaching. Such papers must adhere to the following conditions:
• Originality
• Should not have been published or not be intended to be published elsewhere
• Full chapters (between 5000-7000 words in length) conforming to the following structure: Abstract; Introduction; Background; Main discussion; Future trends/directions; and Conclusion
(2) Descriptions, discussions and reports of pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies based on Afro-Asian language learning and teaching. These submissions must adhere to the same conditions as the ones specified above. However, they have to conform to the following chapter format: Abstract; Introduction; Literature review; Purpose; Approach/Theoretical framework; Research design/methodology; Findings and Discussion; Research limitations/implications (if applicable).
Proposal Submission Procedures
Authors are invited to submit chapter proposals (1000 words maximum and as email attachments) clearly explaining the mission and concerns of their intended chapters on or before November 15, 2010.
Important Dates
Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 November 2010
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 20 December 2010
Full Chapter Submission: 20 January 2010
Review Results Returned: 15 February 2011
Final Revised Chapter Submission: 10 March 2011
Final Acceptance Notification Deadline: 10 April 2011
Camera-ready Chapter Submission: 02 May 2011
Typescript, Referencing/Style manuals, Tables, Figures and Images
Manuscripts should be typed on an A-4 size paper/document, double-spaced, with generous margins at the top, bottom, and sides of the page and must be in MS Word 2003-2007 compatible format. The referencing style must conform to the APA style manual. And tables, figures and images used should be in .tif, .jpg or .jpeg format with a high resolution quality of between a 180-360 dpi setting. Copyrighted material must be acknowledged and permission to use such material must be obtained from the copyright holder. NB: All manuscripts will be peer reviewed on a double-blind review basis.
Special Request
NB: Contributors should note that they will be requested to review at least 2 or 3 manuscripts and, as such, need to attach their short biographical notes (100-150 word long) when submitting their chapter proposals. They should also furnish the following details:
Full name(s)
Title/Professional status
E-mail addresses
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or by mail to:
Dr Chaka Chaka
Department of Humanities Education
Walter Sisulu University
Private Bag X1
Republic of South Africa
Tamishra Swain
603, Gautam Buddh Niwas
Banasthali University
NB: Please ensure that the submission you email to one editor is also CC’ed (copied) to the other.
A book to be co-edited by Chaka Chaka (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) and Tamishra Swain (Banasthali University, India)
Title of the Book: Afro-Asian Experiences in Language Learning through New Technologies: Research and Practice
Issues related to African and Asian experiences in language learning and teaching may have been researched and documented accordingly. However, there exists a scholarly need to compile and document Afro-Asian language learning and teaching experiences by researchers and practitioners at lower (school) and higher educational (college and university) levels in a composite book. In particular, there is an added need to compile and document such experiences as informed by the use of new technologies (e.g., online, wireless, and mobile technologies). This is particularly so since new technologies have impacted not only on English but on other languages worldwide as well. So, some of the questions this composite book will try to answer are the following:
• What specific experiences do Afro-Asian researchers and practitioners have regarding the use of new technologies in language learning and teaching in their respective regions?
• What best practices of the applications of new technologies in Afro-Asian language teaching can Afro-Asian scholars and practitioners share with their peers and other scholars?
• What are the current pedagogical approaches and innovations related to Afro-Asian language learning and teaching that scholars and practitioners employ?
• What are projects, pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies focusing on Afro-Asian language learning and teaching that researchers and practitioners can share with their peers and others?
Objectives of the Book
The major objective of the proposed book is to present, in a composite book, in-depth research, academic and theoretical chapters on contemporary issues related to Afro-Asian language learning and teaching as informed by the use new technologies. The book also intends providing a space for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to articulate and appropriate experiences, and new models and approaches so as to interrogate pertinent issues related to Afro-Asian languages. In addition, it serves as an avenue for exploring the interface between new technologies and Afro-Asian languages within multiple Afro-Asian contexts. Most importantly, it provides a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to present their best practices, projects, pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies as they relate to Afro-Asian language teaching and learning using new technologies.
Target Audience
The target audience of this book will comprise students, scholars, practitioners, researchers and professionals of Afro-Asian languages. Moreover, the book will provide insights and understandings to scholars, researchers and practitioners of other languages as well.
Recommended Topics
Recommended topics for this book, whose primary focus is on Afro-Asian language learning and teaching experiences as informed by new technologies, are outlined below. However, we are also keen to receive illuminating and innovative submissions in other areas not included in our list:
• Language learning and teaching experiences
• Best practices
• Lessons learned
• Innovative pedagogical approaches and design issues
• Assessment or evaluation procedures for language learning and teaching
• Skills, vocabulary and grammar teaching
• Pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies
• Use of new technologies (e.g., mobile phones/smart phones, iPods, PDAs, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, Google Docs, social networks, etc
• Digital identities and discourses within the multiple Afro-Asian learning contexts
• Digital literacies and multiliteracies
• Evaluation of the usability of new technologies
• Prospects, and future implementations and trends for deploying new technologies in Afro-Asian contexts
We are keen to receive submissions in two forms:
(1) Academic papers detailing original thoughts and first-hand experiences in varied areas of Afro-Asian learning and teaching. Such papers must adhere to the following conditions:
• Originality
• Should not have been published or not be intended to be published elsewhere
• Full chapters (between 5000-7000 words in length) conforming to the following structure: Abstract; Introduction; Background; Main discussion; Future trends/directions; and Conclusion
(2) Descriptions, discussions and reports of pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies based on Afro-Asian language learning and teaching. These submissions must adhere to the same conditions as the ones specified above. However, they have to conform to the following chapter format: Abstract; Introduction; Literature review; Purpose; Approach/Theoretical framework; Research design/methodology; Findings and Discussion; Research limitations/implications (if applicable).
Proposal Submission Procedures
Authors are invited to submit chapter proposals (1000 words maximum and as email attachments) clearly explaining the mission and concerns of their intended chapters on or before November 15, 2010.
Important Dates
Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 November 2010
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 20 December 2010
Full Chapter Submission: 20 January 2010
Review Results Returned: 15 February 2011
Final Revised Chapter Submission: 10 March 2011
Final Acceptance Notification Deadline: 10 April 2011
Camera-ready Chapter Submission: 02 May 2011
Typescript, Referencing/Style manuals, Tables, Figures and Images
Manuscripts should be typed on an A-4 size paper/document, double-spaced, with generous margins at the top, bottom, and sides of the page and must be in MS Word 2003-2007 compatible format. The referencing style must conform to the APA style manual. And tables, figures and images used should be in .tif, .jpg or .jpeg format with a high resolution quality of between a 180-360 dpi setting. Copyrighted material must be acknowledged and permission to use such material must be obtained from the copyright holder. NB: All manuscripts will be peer reviewed on a double-blind review basis.
Special Request
NB: Contributors should note that they will be requested to review at least 2 or 3 manuscripts and, as such, need to attach their short biographical notes (100-150 word long) when submitting their chapter proposals. They should also furnish the following details:
Full name(s)
Title/Professional status
E-mail addresses
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or by mail to:
Dr Chaka Chaka
Department of Humanities Education
Walter Sisulu University
Private Bag X1
Republic of South Africa
Tamishra Swain
603, Gautam Buddh Niwas
Banasthali University
NB: Please ensure that the submission you email to one editor is also CC’ed (copied) to the other.