Tin House Accepts Submissions for "The Mysterious" Issue

07 September 2010
Tin House Accepts Submissions for "The Mysterious" Issue
Deadline/Date: 31 May 2011

Spring 2011 theme: THE MYSTERIOUS

Tin House is pleased (and a little frightened) to announce its Spring 2011 theme: The Mysterious. We realize that it is spookily far in advance, but we wanted to get a jump on reading stories, poems, and essays about the unknown and the unknowable, from quantum physics to the what lies in the depths of the soul, from unexplainable phenomenon to interpersonal mysteries. The Mysterious will spontaneously appear on newsstands March 1, 2011 and will then vanish June 1. To be considered for this theme issue, unsolicited submissions should be in by September 30, but remember what happens to those who hesitate.

As always, our summer and winter issues are not themed, and Tin House considers submissions for all upcoming issues regardless of theme. Please read on for our guidelines.

Please submit only one story or essay (ten-thousand-word limit), or up to five poems at a time. Multiple submissions will be returned unread. We shall do our best to respond within three months, however, in some cases this period may be longer. If you have not received a response from us within ninety days, we will be happy to respond to your e-mail inquiries. We do ask that you please wait until you hear back from us before submitting new work for consideration.

Tin House does accept simultaneous submissions. In the event that the work is accepted for publication elsewhere, please do us the courtesy of informing us promptly.

Only previously unpublished works will be considered for publication. Our reading period is September 1-May 31; submissions received after this date will be returned unread.

For both poetry and prose submissions, please ensure that the author’s name appears on every page. For prose submissions only, please number each page of your manuscript, starting with the title page. Please also number the last page and indicate by writing “End” that it is the final page.

Cover letters should include a word count and indicate whether the submission is fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. Also, please note whether or not you would like your manuscript returned.

Manuscripts transmitted via fax or e-mail will not be accepted for consideration. Only those processed through our online submission manager or sent by regular mail will be considered for publication.

Submissions can be mailed to Tin House, PO Box 10500, Portland, OR 97210. Please enclose an SASE (include an IRC with international submissions), or we cannot guarantee a response to or the return of your work.

For those of you interested in submitting your work electronically, using our dandy online submission manager (we call her Tina), you are invited to do so

More information here.
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