Deadline: 31 October 2010
We are interested any sub-genre of well-written horror. We will accept paranormal with horror elements only. Romance elements are acceptable as long as they are not the main focus of the story. If you’re writing the next Twilight, this may not be the place for you.
We are also seeking sci-fi and fantasy.
If you've crafted a riveting tale that is nearly impossible to put down, we want to hear from you.
Formatting Requirements
As long as your manuscript is formatted and not on background stationery, I will not hold font or anything else against you. However, if you are offered a contract, you will be asked to re-format your work so that it is double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman and that each page has a header, except the first.
Example: Smith/HellDay/2
The first page should contain all your contact information, exact genre, and completed manuscript word count. Simultaneous submissions are okay, but you must let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere while we are reading it. Also, please include a website or blog or facebook address.
Acceptable manuscript word count ranges from 3,000 up to 120,000. If you come close, either over or under, please inquire.
Submissions of 10,000 words or more
When you have your manuscript perfected to the best of your ability, paste the following into the body of an e-mail:
#1 A query introducing yourself, your story plot, and any accomplishments. If you have not been published, let us know that, too.
#2 A synopsis of at least two pages, single-spaced.
#3 The first three chapters including the prologue, if there is one, the last chapter and the epilogue, if there is one.
Submissions of 10,000 words or less
When you have your short story perfected to the best of your ability, send it as a virus-free attachment in an e-mail, along with:
#1 A query introducing yourself, your story plot, and any accomplishments. If you have not been published, let us know that, too.
#2 Your entire polished manuscript.
Unpublished work is preferred, but please query if you have a previously published work you think will fit our criteria.
Note: All attachments must be a word document or an RTF. No PDF, please.
Submissions should be sent to:
Note: Anyone wanting to make the grand opening must have his or her submissions in no later than Midnight, October 31, 2010.
More information here.
We are interested any sub-genre of well-written horror. We will accept paranormal with horror elements only. Romance elements are acceptable as long as they are not the main focus of the story. If you’re writing the next Twilight, this may not be the place for you.
We are also seeking sci-fi and fantasy.
If you've crafted a riveting tale that is nearly impossible to put down, we want to hear from you.
Formatting Requirements
As long as your manuscript is formatted and not on background stationery, I will not hold font or anything else against you. However, if you are offered a contract, you will be asked to re-format your work so that it is double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman and that each page has a header, except the first.
Example: Smith/HellDay/2
The first page should contain all your contact information, exact genre, and completed manuscript word count. Simultaneous submissions are okay, but you must let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere while we are reading it. Also, please include a website or blog or facebook address.
Acceptable manuscript word count ranges from 3,000 up to 120,000. If you come close, either over or under, please inquire.
Submissions of 10,000 words or more
When you have your manuscript perfected to the best of your ability, paste the following into the body of an e-mail:
#1 A query introducing yourself, your story plot, and any accomplishments. If you have not been published, let us know that, too.
#2 A synopsis of at least two pages, single-spaced.
#3 The first three chapters including the prologue, if there is one, the last chapter and the epilogue, if there is one.
Submissions of 10,000 words or less
When you have your short story perfected to the best of your ability, send it as a virus-free attachment in an e-mail, along with:
#1 A query introducing yourself, your story plot, and any accomplishments. If you have not been published, let us know that, too.
#2 Your entire polished manuscript.
Unpublished work is preferred, but please query if you have a previously published work you think will fit our criteria.
Note: All attachments must be a word document or an RTF. No PDF, please.
Submissions should be sent to:
Note: Anyone wanting to make the grand opening must have his or her submissions in no later than Midnight, October 31, 2010.
More information here.