Meanjin's Dorothy Porter Poetry Prize (Australia)

07 September 2010
Meanjin's Dorothy Porter Poetry Prize (Australia)
The Dorothy Porter Prize – for the best poem accepted for publication in Meanjin by our poetry editor Judith Beveridge – is on again for 2010.

The winner, selected by judges Andrea Goldsmith and Felicity Plunkett, will be announced at one of Meanjin’s special anniversary events in December this year, and receive a cash prize of $1000.

Goldsmith is the author of five books, including Reunion and Under the Knife. Felicity Plunkett is the Poetry Editor at University of Queensland Press and her most recent collection, Vanishing Point, is shortlisted for the Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards.

Dorothy Porter was one of Australia’s finest writers. Two of her verse novels, What a Piece of Work and Wild Surmise, were short-listed for the Miles Franklin Award – Wild Surmise alongside partner Goldsmith’s novel, The Prosperous Thief – and another, El Dorado, was short-listed for the 2008 Prime Minister’s Awards. Porter and Goldsmith were partners for 14 years and lived together in Melbourne until Porter’s death in 2008. Meanjin is proud to be able to run this prize once again in her memory, along with her agent and co-sponsor Jenny Darling & Associates.

Last year’s winner was Jean Kent for ‘The Polish Guitarist’s First Paris Concert’.

More information here.
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