Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities

06 September 2010
Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities
Deadline/Date: 4 October 2010

Humanities Departments:

Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race
Middle Eastern, South Asian, & African Studies
East Asian Languages & Cultures
English & Comparative Literature
Film Studies


Fellowship Announcement
2011-2012 Fellowship Competition

The Columbia Society of Fellows in the Humanities, with grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the William R. Kenan Trust, will appoint a number of postdoctoral fellows in the humanities for the academic year 2011-2012. Fellows newly appointed for 2011-2012 must have received the Ph.D. between 1 January 2007 and 1 July 2011.

Aims of the Columbia Society of Fellows in the Humanities

The Society seeks to enhance the role of the humanities in the University by exploring and clarifying the interrelationships within the humanities as well as their relationship to the natural and social sciences. The program is designed to strengthen the intellectual and academic qualifications of the Fellows: first, by affording them time and resources to develop independent scholarship within a broadening educational and professional context; second, by involving them in interdisciplinary programs of general education and in departmental courses, often of their own design; and third, by associating them individually and collectively with some of the finest teaching scholars in the University.

The Society is comprised of the Fellows, the faculty members of the Governing Board, and other invited faculty. The Society holds weekly meetings to advance the intellectual and educational purposes common to the membership.


Fellows are appointed as Postdoctoral Mellon Fellows in the Society of Fellows at Columbia University and as lecturers in appropriate departments at Columbia University (see list of Humanities Departments below). This one-year fellowship is renewable for a second and a third year. In the first year, Fellows teach one course per semester. At least one of these courses will be in the undergraduate general education program: Contemporary Civilization, Literature Humanities, Music Humanities, Art Humanities, Asian Civilizations, Asian Humanities, or Global
Cultures, including those of Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The second course may be a departmental course, the design of which will be determined jointly by the Fellow and the Fellos academic department. In the second and third years, Fellows teach one course per year, leaving one semester free of teaching responsibilities. The courses taught in the second and third years of the fellowship may be departmental courses or courses in the undergraduate general education program as described above.


The stipend for 2011-2012 is $59,000. Full fringe benefits are also provided, and subsidized housing is available. There is a $5,000 research allowance per annum.


The Online Application Form for Fellowship can be accessed at

The Online Application Form for Fellowship must be submitted online. Five complete, collated sets of all application materials (including copies of the Online Application Form) are required. In addition, letters of recommendation must be submitted online by two recommenders of your choosing. Recommenders will receive email notification of your request and instructions for submitting their recommendation once you have submitted the online application form. Be sure to follow up with your recommenders, as spam filters can interfere with delivery of
automated emails. Please note that only complete applications will be considered.

The deadline for completed applications is Monday, 4 October 2010.

A select number of candidates will be invited to interview in January 2011. Fellowship decisions will be announced by 1 March 2011. Applicants who have not been contacted for interview by 7 January 2011 should assume that their candidacy is no longer active.

Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

More information here.
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