Call for Submissions: The Translation and Reception of Grimm's Fairy Tales

14 September 2010
Call for Submissions: The Translation and Reception of Grimm's Fairy Tales
Deadline: 10 November 2010

Call for papers: The translation and reception of Grimm’s fairy tales

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm belong to the most frequently translated and best known stories in the world. A systematic history of the translation of these tales and their reception outside of Germany still needs to be written, and parallels between the reception in different countries or parts of the world are yet largely unexplored. With this volume, we hope to gain insight into the afterlife of the Grimm tales in translation, and how they merged with the fairy-tale traditions of other countries and inspired new writings. Also, the critical reception of the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales, both in scholarship and in fiction is part of this reception.

We invite contributions on the following themes

· The translation history of Grimm’s fairy tales in a given language or country (overview articles) · The publishing and editorial history of Grimm’s fairy tales in any given language or country
· The reception of Grimm’s fairy tales in any specific language, country or culture as literature for adults or children
· The translation history of the Grimm tales in a given language or country: articles with a focus on a specific historical period, such as the mid-nineteenth century, the 1920s, the Second World War, or the 1970s
· The translation history of a given Grimm tale in a certain language or country
· The shifting audience (children, adults, mixed) of the Grimm tales in translation
· Prefaces to translations of the Kinder- und Hausmärchen
· The reception of the Grimm tales as compared to fairy tales by other authors / collectors such as Perrault and Andersen
· The influence of the Kinder- und Hausmärchen on fairy-tale authors or the fairy-tale tradition in a given country
· Illustrations to the Kinder- und Hausmärchen in a given country and their interaction with the translations
· The Brothers Grimm as characters in stories, films, parodies

Authors who want to contribute a chapter to this book are invited to send a 500-word abstract and short biography to by 10 November 2010. Full-length articles of 4000 words (overview articles) or 8000 words (case studies) will be requested by 1 November 2011 and submitted to peer review. The volume will be edited by Dr. Gillian Lathey (Roehampton University) and Dr. Vanessa Joosen (Antwerp University) and is expected to appear in 2012.

Dr. Vanessa Joosen
Universiteit Antwerpen
Taal- en Letterkunde
Prinsstraat 13 R214
2000 Antwerpen
Tel. + 32 3 265 45 98

More information here.
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