Call for Papers: Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities

15 September 2010
Call for Papers: Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities
Deadline: 30 September 2010

Call for Papers, Reports, Abstracts, and Studies:

The Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities encourages the following types of submissions:

Topic Areas (All Areas of Arts and Humanities are Invited)

* Art
* Art History
* Art Management
* English
* Ethnic Studies
* Film
* Folklore
* History
* Languages
* Literature
* Linguistics
* Performing Arts
* Philosophy
* Postcolonial Identities
* Religion
* Second Language Studies
* Speech/Communication
* Theatre
* Visual Arts
* Other Areas of Arts and Humanities

Cross-disciplinary areas of the above related to each other or other areas.

* Research Papers

Completed research papers in any of the topic areas listed above or related areas.

* Abstracts

Abstracts of completed or proposed research in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas. The abstract for proposed research should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a discussion of expected outcomes.

* Student Papers

Research done by students in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas.

* Case Studies

Case studies in any of the topic areas listed above or related areas.

* Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for Future Research

Incomplete research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion and feedback in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas.

* Reports on Issues Related to Teaching

Reports related to innovative instruction techniques or research related to teaching in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas.

Format of Presentations:

Paper sessions will consist of three to four presentations in a 90 minute session. The session will be divided equally between the presenters. Workshop presentations will be given a full 90 minute session.

Panel sessions will provide an opportunity for three or more presenters to speak in a more open and conversational setting with conference attendees. Submissions for these 90 minute sessions should include the name, department, affiliation, and email address of each panelist in addition to a description of the presentation and the title page. Poster sessions will last 90 minutes and consist of a large number of presenters. Poster sessions allow attendees to speak with the presenters on a one-to-one basis.

Submitting a Proposal/Paper:

To submit a proposal/paper, use our online submission system.

Please Note: There is a limit of two contributed submissions per lead author.

Submissions will only be published in the conference proceedings if at least one of the authors registers and attends the conference. More information will be provided upon acceptance.

If you wish to be a session chair, please e-mail your request to and indicate the topic area in which you are interested. Registration for the conference is required to be a session chair. If you cannot submit via the online system above, please submit your proposal using the instructions listed here.

More information here.
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