Writing for Leapfrog Press

07 August 2010
Writing for Leapfrog Press
Deadline: open
Geographical coverage: undisclosed
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): literary adult fiction
Prize/Payment: publication, others
Contact: acquisitions@leapfrogpress.com

Our needs are very special. We are looking for that rare book that combines dark and light, satire and honesty, emotional range and pure joy of invention. We like books on the edge of avant guarde. We are particularly interested in works that are quirky, that fall outside of any known genre, and of course are well written and finely crafted. Although we have a small number of popular fiction titles, our focus is literary fiction. We publish mainly adult fiction, and occasionally nonfiction. We do not publish children's picture books. We are not currently looking for poetry.

We accept only electronic submissions. If you feel that you need to submit by regular mail, please e-mail first to let us know so that we are expecting your package. For e-mail submissions, send a query letter and a short sample within the e-mail message. Do not send attachments unless asked to do so. Messages with attachments will be deleted. If we wish to see more, we will contact you by e-mail and request sample chapters. Be aware that e-mail query letters are still query letters. A common mistake is for the writer to begin with a description of a book or an extended author bio, without first stating what the message is about ("I am seeking publication of my novel...") or even giving his or her name. Please address the appropriate editor and use professional query letter format in your e-mail queries so that we know in the first sentence why you are writing.

Our response time to queries is about one month.

Contact: Tasha Enseki, acquisitions editor, acquisitions@leapfrogpress.com

More information here.
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