Miami University Press Novella Contest (open to residents of any country)

21 August 2010
Miami University Press Novella Contest (open to residents of any country)
Deadline: 1 October 2010
Geographical Restrictions: open to residents of any country
Reading Fee: $25
Accepts (genre): novella
Prize/Payment: book publication and a $750 advance against royalties

Submission rules and guidelines

* Entries must be accompanied by:
(1) a completed Entry Form
(2) a title page with only the entry title and word count (do not include your name on the title page), and
(3) the required reading fee of $25 U.S. Dollars (check or money order made payable to Miami University Press). We are unable to accept credit cards or cash.
* Winning entry receives book publication and a $750 advance against royalties.
* Entries must be postmarked by October 1, 2010.
* If you are entering more than one manuscript, you may mail all entries in the same package and include one check or money order for the total reading fee; however, each manuscript must be accompanied by a separate entry form and title page.
* The reading fee is non-refundable.
* Our contest is open to residents of any country, but please note that the reading fee must be paid in U.S. dollars.
* Manuscripts must be 18,000–40,000 words—exceptions cannot be made. Include the exact word count (counting every single word, except the title and contact information) on the cover page.
* Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, in a legible font on white 8½" x 11" or A4 paper. Loose pages, held together with a binder clip or rubber band, are acceptable.
* Previously published works are not eligible.
* Simultaneous submissions are welcomed; please notify us if your submission is accepted for publication elsewhere; your entry will be pulled from our pool. We regret that we cannot refund the entry fee.
* We cannot return submitted manuscripts.
* To receive notification of receipt of your manuscript, send a self-addressed stamped postcard along with your entry.
* All entrants receive a copy of the winning book.
* Results will be announced on our website by early February 2011.

Mail to:
MU Press Novella Prize
English Department
356 Bachelor Hall
Miami University,
Oxford, OH 45056

More information here.
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