Between the Seas, a festival of performing arts from the Mediterranean in NYC, is seeking for contributors from Mediterranean countries for the BTS blog. The blog will bring bi-weekly updates on events, articles, policies and initiatives from the countries of the Mediterranean and the diaspora. Following the festival's mission, the blog will contribute to creating a forum for the exchange of information between Mediterranean artists and familiarizing New York artists and audiences with the cultural activity in the region. Submissions may include:
-information on events and performances in their countries
-interviews from artists
-articles on culture, policy and identity in the Mediterranean
Submissions may be in English or French (with the perspective to include more laguages in the near future).
Please email if you are interested or need more information.
More information here.
-information on events and performances in their countries
-interviews from artists
-articles on culture, policy and identity in the Mediterranean
Submissions may be in English or French (with the perspective to include more laguages in the near future).
Please email if you are interested or need more information.
More information here.