Jakarta Post's News Feature Writing Competition (Indonesia)

06 August 2010
Jakarta Post's News Feature Writing Competition (Indonesia)

Deadline: 20 August 2010
Geographical coverage: Indonesia
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): news articles
Prize/Payment: workshop, scholarship, and Rp 2 million cash for first prize
Contact: syafiq.assegaff@paramadina.ac.id

Paramadina University and The Jakarta Post jointly organized a nationwide 'News Feature Writing Competition 2010' for both high school and university students.

Details of the competition:

• The competition is open to all high school students and Indonesian youth (including university students) with Indonesian citizenship – regardless whether they study in Indonesia or overseas.
• Three Themes:
...Each participant must submit a 1000-word news feature article addressing to one of the three (3) themes listed here:

1. Why is it difficult to curb corruption within the bureaucracy?
2. The rise and the fall of Indonesian soccer: Have we become an athletic nation?
3. Is social media networking changing how we feel about privacy?

• The participants must write an informative and entertaining feature article, instead of scientific paper or school report. The participants from high school (category 'A') can refer to the writing style of “Youthspeak” tabloid in writing the feature; and participants of category 'B' can refer to news feature style of The Jakarta Post daily.

o Category A:

Indonesian citizen – proved by valid ID.
Currently studying in SMU kelas 1-3 (equal to year 10-12 High School) or in their first semester of a university/college, either in Indonesia or Overseas.
Produce his/her own article – we strongly against any form of plagiarism.
When short listed as finalist candidates, willing to pay own transportation expenses during the competition period.

o Category B:

Indonesian citizen – proved by valid ID.
Currently studying in Indonesian or Overseas University, undergraduate level (program sarjana), and Indonesian youth (age 18-26) having passion in writing (excluded professional and freelance journalists/writers).
Produce his/her own article – we strongly against any form of plagiarism.
When short listed as finalist candidates, willing to pay own transportation expenses during the competition period.

• Each entry must use at least two sources of people being interviewed. Participants must include the names, contact numbers and day of the interviews in their submission.
• Articles should be typed in a Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 spaces in A4 form paper.
• A panel of judges will select and shortlist combination of candidates from all themes of each category A and B. Thus, there will be two different shortlisted participants (from category A and from category B) who will undergo into further process.
• Participants should send their articles to:
• Divisi Marketing & PR (MPR), Universitas Paramadina;
• Jl.Gatot Subroto Kav.97, Jakarta 12790
• Articles should be received before 20 August 2010 (post stamp).
• Each participant can send between one (1) to three (3) entries. Each entry must be sent in separate envelope, marked “Paramadina-Jakarta Post News Feature Writing Competition 2010” on the upper left of the envelope.
• Short listed participants will undergo interview sessions between 20 September – 4 October 2010.
• Name of short listed (finalists) will be announced in Paramadina' website between 6-8 September 2010.
• Winners will be announced in the Paramadina’s website (www.paramadina.ac.id.) on 13 October 2010, and the Jakarta Post daily on 24 October 2010.
• Employees of The Jakarta Post group and or their families or agencies are not eligible to participate in this competition.

Awards & Benefits:

1. Shorlisted participants (result of first selection) from both categories:
a. Get a 2-day journalism workshop conducted by The Jakarta Post in Paramadina.
b. Receive a 4-month free subscription of The JakartaPost daily.

2. First winner:

a. Category A: scholarship*) to study in undergraduate (S-1) program at Paramadina University; Rp. 2 million cash money, and a certificate.
b. Category B: scholarship*) to study in postgraduate (S-2) program at Paramadina University; Rp. 2 million cash money, and a certificate.

3. Second winners: for both categories A and B: Rp. 1,5 million cash money and a certificate.
4. Third winners: for both categories A and B: Rp. 1 million cash money and a certificate.
5. All winners of both categories A & B will have the opportunity to have lunch with Anies Baswedan Ph.D.
6. The Jakarta Post will publish the winning articles in the Youthspeak or Discover. (information about this will be announced in www.paramadina.ac.id in due course).

* All scholarships (valued up to Rp.65 million) are neither transferable nor replacable and can only be given in the form of study. The committee do not bear other responsibilities for winners who do not wish to take their scholarship awards.

For further enquiries, please contact:
Divisi MPR, Univ.Paramadina;
Syafiq B. Assegaff (syafiq.assegaff@paramadina.ac.id);
Ajeng (ajeng@paramadina.ac.id);
Julisa Pratiwi (julisa.pratiwi@students.paramadina.ac.id)

Phone 021-7918-11-88 ext. 111 or 211
SMS to: 0815-918-1188.

More information here.
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