Hong Kong Writers' Circle's "Just Write" Workshop: Everyone's a Critic

22 August 2010
Hong Kong Writers' Circle's "Just Write" Workshop: Everyone's a Critic
When: 6 September 2010
Where: Upstairs at the Fringe

HKWC "Just Write" Workshop

HKWC members and the public are invited to attend another great workshop dedicated to getting pen onto paper and ideas into ink.

Critique groups are a significant part of the Hong Kong Writers Circle - they provide a chance for writers to get their work read by others, an informal and supportive forum for giving and taking suggestions to improve one's craft, and an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and experience with fellow scribblers.

Everyone's a critic, but is everyone giving (and getting) as good criticism as they can?

This workshop will look at a purpose-written short story - The Breifcase by SCC Overton - and explore ways to constructively criticise it, from characterisation to cliche, subtext to spelling, and mixed metaphors to emotional exposition.

For members, this is a chance to blow the cobwebs off and get back into the swing of regular critique group meetings after the summer break.

For members and non-members alike it's also a chance to pick apart the short story from front to back, top to bottom and inside to out.

And, as the critical process is so intimately linked with the creative process, it's a great chance to get inspired to write fiction that even the harshest critic would struggle to find fault with! (Even critics that dislike sentences that end on prepositions!)

And yes, that is a spelling mistake in the title of the story. You see - everyone's a critic!

This workshop is free and open to all. It will be lead by Simon Overton, Creative Director of the Hong Kong Writers Circle. Please email him at sccoverton@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Please arrive at 7:15 for a prompt start (and to get a drink in!)

More information here.
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