George Garrett Fiction Prize for Best Book (Manuscript) of Short Stories or Short Novel

19 August 2010
George Garrett Fiction Prize for Best Book (Manuscript) of Short Stories or Short Novel
Deadline: 15 September 2010
Geographical Restrictions: no mention
Reading Fee: $20
Accepts (genre): collection of short stories, fiction manuscripts
Prize/Payment: $200, publication

Texas Review Press
George Garrett Fiction Prize Competition
Rules and Guidelines

Mail to: Texas Review Press
Department of English
Sam Houston State University
Box 2146
Huntsville, TX 77341-2146

1. Submitted manuscripts must be postmarked by September 15.
2. Manuscripts may be up to 250 pages in length.
3. Manuscripts are handled as blind submissions at all levels of the judging process.
4. Manuscripts must be submitted to the address above with two title pages—one with the author's name, address, and telephone number, and one without.
5. The author's name must not appear on any other page of the manuscript.
6. The envelope label should be clearly labeled “George Garrett Fiction Prize Competition.”
7. SASE must be included for the purpose of a reply only; manuscripts will not be returned.
8. A reading fee of $20 must accompany each manuscript. Checks should be made out to
“Friends of the Texas Review Press.”
9. Each person who enters the contest will receive a one-year subscription to The Texas Review and will also receive discounts on winning books.
10. The winning manuscript will receive a cash prize of $200 and publication.
11. The manuscripts are first judged by a network of published writers. The final ranking is concluded by major American writers.
12. All judges have pledged to return to TRP immediately any manuscript whose author they have identified. Any manuscripts so returned will be sent to another initial judge. In the case of a finalist manuscript being returned, it will be an automatic finalist in the following year's competition.

More information here.
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