Deadline: 31 October 2010
Geographical coverage: India
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): non-fiction (reportage, autobiography, essay, history, travel)
Prize/Payment: no mention
The stories for this issue have to be real life stories and nonfiction.
Since, these are real life stories, it might be difficult to keep the stories self-contained. I do understand that but the stories still need to be left at a right juncture when putting ‘to be continued’. The deadline of submission is October 31st. Run the stories through me before starting on the final pages. For any query, write to me on somsesh@gmail.com
Magazine size: 7″ width by 9″ height
Submission size: 7″ width by 9″ height , inclusive of 5 mm bleed on all sides. If your drawing is A4, or any other size, please scale it appropriately before sending it in.
Artwork: Black & white.
Submission format: Tiff (with LZW compression), or 100% jpeg, 300 dpi minimum.
No. of pages per submission: Min. 20 pages, Max. 40 pages (this is an important point as we want to ensure that every contributor puts in the same amount of work in order for the profits to be distributed equally). If strips or short works are being submitted, then a 20 page compilation is minimum requirement. Less than 20 pages is welcome, but that contribution will be considered as a ‘guest contribution’ and will not be eligible for profit sharing.
Page Orientation: Vertical. Make your story horizontal only if absolutely unavoidable. It completely breaks the reader’s flow if they need to turn the book sideways suddenly.
Font: No Comic Sans. Preferably avoid the default system fonts. Some great royalty-free comic fonts can be obtained from Font Squirrel.
Final checklist before sending:
1– Spell-check the text thoroughly before sending.
2– Make sure you end the work on an even-numbered page. This is only for design purpose.
3– Make sure the title of your work is on the first page.
4– Do not put in page numbers in the pages. Indicate page numbers only in the filenames of the JPEGs.
5– Authors wanting to use a language other than English must have an English translation side-by-side.
Zip all the images into files of ~20 mb.
Upload it on one of the free file uploading sites like MegaUpload, File Factory or YouSendIt, and send the download links to editor(at)comixindia(dot)com.
More information here.