Chinese/Iranian Poets to Read at Semana Poética IX: International (Multilingual) Poetry Festival

05 August 2010
Chinese/Iranian Poets to Read at Semana Poética IX: International (Multilingual) Poetry Festival
October 24-28
Semana Poética IX: International Poetry Festival
Dickinson College, PA

The ninth annual Semana Poética (Week of Poetry) is a multi-departmental international and multilingual festival of poetry. Poets from around the world read their works, meet with students and community members and visit classes. Faculty and students of different academic departments work together in the organization of the festival, translation or poetry, art production and publications.

Sunday, October 24
Rubendall Recital Hall, 7 p.m.
Mitchell Cooper (U.S.), Anya Settle (U.S.), Catherine Wing (U.S.)
Poetry into Music, Music into Poetry. Musical performance. Lynn Helding (U.S.), Eun Ae Baik-Kim (Korea/Brazil)

Monday, October 25
Stern Center Great Room, 7 p.m.
Tatiana Shcherbina (Russia), Noel Luna (Puerto Rico)

Tuesday, October 26
Stern Center Great Room, 7 p.m.
Mario Moroni (Italy), Yang Lian (China)

Wednesday, October 27
Stern Center Great Room, 7 p.m.
Mohsen Emadi (Iran), Pavel Lion, a.k.a. Psoy Korolenko (Russia)

Thursday, October 28
Stern Center Great Room, noon
David Leo García (Spain), Ann Cotten (U.S. / Germany), Marjorie Agosín (Chile)

Thursday, October 28
Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium (ATS), 6:30 p.m.
Closing night: All poets scheduled to participate.

More information here.
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