The Children's Book of Australia Book of the Year 2010 Winners Announced

28 August 2010
The Children's Book of Australia Book of the Year 2010 Winners Announced
The winner and honour books in each of the categories are decided at the Judges' Conferences after extensive discussion and by secret ballot by the Judges. These awards are funded by generous donations to the CBCA Awards Foundation, especially the Benefactors and Major Donors.

Older Readers Book of the Year 2010
for mature readers

WINNER: Metzenthen, David - Jarvis 24, Penguin Group Australia
HONOUR: Clarke, Judith - The Winds of Heaven, Allen & Unwin
HONOUR: Millard, Glenda - A Small Free Kiss in the Dark, Allen & Unwin

Younger Readers Book of the Year 2010
for independent younger readers

WINNER: Hirsch, Odo - Darius Bell and the Glitter Pool ,Allen & Unwin
HONOUR: Lester, Alison - Running with the Horses Viking, Penguin Group Australia
HONOUR: Murphy, Sally/Illus: Potter, Heather - Pearl Verses the World, Walker Books

Early Childhood Book of the Year 2010
for children in the pre-reading to early reading stages

WINNER: Shanahan, Lisa/Illus: Quay, Emma - Bear & Chook by the Sea, Lothian Children's Books, Hachette
HONOUR: Booth, Christina - Kip, Windy Hollow Books
HONOUR: Gleeson, Libby/Illus: Blackwood, Freya - Clancy & Millie and the Very Fine House, Little Hare Books

Picture Book of the Year 2010
for an audience ranging from birth to 18 years

WINNER: Rogers, Gregory - The Hero of Little Street, Allen & Unwin
HONOUR: Cool, Rebecca/Text: Millard, Glenda - Isabella's Garden, Walker Books
HONOUR: Oliver, Narelle - Fox and Fine Feathers, Omnibus Books, Scholastic Australia

Eve Pownall Book of the Year 2010
for an audience ranging from birth to 18 years

WINNER: Macinnis, Peter - Australian Backyard Explorer, National Library of Australia
HONOUR: Patrick, Tanya/Illus: Hutcheson, Nicholas - Polar Eyes: a Journey to Antarctica, CSIRO
HONOUR: Yalata & Oak Communities with Mattingley, Christobel - Maralinga: The Anangu Story, Allen & Unwin

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