Deadline: 15 December 2010
Geographical coverage: Asia, elsewhere
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): literary, non-fiction, etc.
Prize/Payment: online publication
Contact: editors@asiancha.com
Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, the first Hong Kong-based online literary publication, is now calling for submissions for its February 2011 issue (Issue 13). Please send in poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, reviews, photography & art for consideration. Submission guidelines can be found here. Deadline: 15 December, 2010.
Cha consulting editor Reid Mitchell (prose) and award-winning poet Arthur Leung (poetry) will act as guest editors and read the submissions with co-editors Tammy Ho and Jeff Zroback. Please contact Reviews Editor Eddie Tay at eddie@asiancha.com if you want to review a book or have a book reviewed in the journal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write to any of the Cha staff at editors@asiancha.com.
More information here.