Call for Submissions - Immigrant Stories: How did You Come to the US?

25 August 2010
Call for Submissions - Immigrant Stories: How did You Come to the US?
Deadline: no mention
Eligibility: open to immigrants
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): poetry, short stories

US Immigrant Stories believes in documenting the stories that makes the Unitied States great and unique. We are a land of immigrants whether from nine generations ago or one day ago. We seek to help humanize the strength of America—the immigrant. Too easily these stories are forgotten and our history repeats itself whether it is the KnowNothing movement demonizing and harassing German and Italian immigrants, the Japanese Internment period or the current events occurring in Arizonia.

Be a part of the movement: Want to share with the world how you, your parents or your ancestors immigrated to the United States?

Videos, sayings, poetry, art and pictures etc. are also welcomed.


Include country of origin and name in the subject line of your email and in the body please include estimate year and title along with your story.

More information here.
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