Call for Submissions from Mediterranean Artists: Between the Seas Staged Readings

22 August 2010
Call for Submissions from Mediterranean Artists: Between the Seas Staged Readings
Deadline: 20 September 2010
Geographical Restrictions: open to performing artists from the Mediterranean and Mediterranean diaspora
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): performance arts
Prize/Payment: staged reading

Call for submissions: Between the Seas staged readings

Between the Seas is an initiative that aims to bring together performing artists from the Mediterranean and Mediterranean diaspora, explore Mediterranean cultural identity, its historical connections, commonalities and differences and share with New York audiences the vibrancy of contemporary Mediterranean cultural production.

In anticipation of Between The Seas festival that will be organized in 2011, we are hosting an evening of staged readings that will give the opportunity to NY based artists to connect, share their work and interests and exchange projects and ideas. The event will take place on Monday October 18th, 6-10 pm at Solas [232 East 9th str].

We are inviting proposals for staged readings by writers, directors and theater companies. We are looking for: new plays by contemporary Mediterranean playwrights [preferably that have not been staged in NY before]; new plays by US-based playwrights that engage in various ways with Mediterranean culture and identity; short stories by Mediterranean writers that artists are interested in adapting for the stage.

We welcome short or full-length plays, and script still in progress.

Please submit: resume, a brief cover letter and a 10-page sample of the script. Deadline: September 20th. Email your materials to

More information here.
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