Deadline: 17 September 2010
Eligibility: no restrictions
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): conference papers
Prize/Payment: undisclosed
Sponsored by Ewha BK, National Taiwan University,and Tsukuba University
November 27, 2010
Trading in commodities, culture, and capital is the business of life. New connections, transfers, mutations characterize the catastrophic ruptures as well as the new beginnings of a global culture of deterritorialization and reterritorialization. Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomatic mapping of a world where there is no mother-tongue nor ideal speaker-listener offers multiple points of entry for a re-evaluation of the changing climate of English Studies. The organizers of the conference invite papers that address any aspect of the multiplicities that fracture and fertilize our field. Topics may include but are not restricted to: Adaptation, connection, crisis, encounter, environment, disaster, diversity, flow, future, heterogeneity, intersubjectivity, minority, multiplicity, mutualism, reconstitution, rupture, transfer.
Trading Places: The Changing Climate of English Studies is the sequel to the conference Reorienting English: Paradigms in/of Crisis, which was held at National Taiwan University on December 5, 2009. This year the conference is sponsored by Ewha English Department’s BK project team, National Taiwan University and Tsukuba University. The joint conference will take place on November 27 (Sat) at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.
The Ewha English Department is one of the few college departments in Korea to have received generous government funding (BK 21) for research in English Studies. Our BK project is pursuing a goal of setting “A New Model for English Studies in Korea: Scholarship, Cultural Translation and Professional English for the Global Context.” You can find out more about our project at
Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words as a Word document. Include in your submission your name, presentation’s title, a short biography, plus contact information (address, phone number, and email address).
Proposals should be emailed to Dr. Hisup Shin at by Sep. 17, 2010. All entrants will be notified by the end of September. You can also send inquiries to
More information here.
Eligibility: no restrictions
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): conference papers
Prize/Payment: undisclosed
Sponsored by Ewha BK, National Taiwan University,and Tsukuba University
November 27, 2010
Trading in commodities, culture, and capital is the business of life. New connections, transfers, mutations characterize the catastrophic ruptures as well as the new beginnings of a global culture of deterritorialization and reterritorialization. Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomatic mapping of a world where there is no mother-tongue nor ideal speaker-listener offers multiple points of entry for a re-evaluation of the changing climate of English Studies. The organizers of the conference invite papers that address any aspect of the multiplicities that fracture and fertilize our field. Topics may include but are not restricted to: Adaptation, connection, crisis, encounter, environment, disaster, diversity, flow, future, heterogeneity, intersubjectivity, minority, multiplicity, mutualism, reconstitution, rupture, transfer.
Trading Places: The Changing Climate of English Studies is the sequel to the conference Reorienting English: Paradigms in/of Crisis, which was held at National Taiwan University on December 5, 2009. This year the conference is sponsored by Ewha English Department’s BK project team, National Taiwan University and Tsukuba University. The joint conference will take place on November 27 (Sat) at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.
The Ewha English Department is one of the few college departments in Korea to have received generous government funding (BK 21) for research in English Studies. Our BK project is pursuing a goal of setting “A New Model for English Studies in Korea: Scholarship, Cultural Translation and Professional English for the Global Context.” You can find out more about our project at
Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words as a Word document. Include in your submission your name, presentation’s title, a short biography, plus contact information (address, phone number, and email address).
Proposals should be emailed to Dr. Hisup Shin at by Sep. 17, 2010. All entrants will be notified by the end of September. You can also send inquiries to
More information here.