2010 Anderbo Poetry Prize

15 August 2010
2010 Anderbo Poetry Prize
Deadline: 15 December 2010
Geographical Restrictions: no mention
Reading Fee: $10
Accepts (genre): poetry
Prize/Payment: $500

For up to six unpublished poems

Winner receives: $500 cash, publication on anderbo.com

Judged by Linda Bierds

2010 Contest Assistant: Anderbo Poetry Editor Charity Burns

–Poems should be typed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper with the poet’s name and contact information on the upper right corner of each poem
–Entries must be postmarked by December 15, 2010
–Limit six poems per poet
–Poet must not have been previously published on anderbo.com
–Mail submissions to Anderbo Poetry Prize, 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 1412, New York, NY 10012
–Enclose self-addressed stamped business envelope to receive names of winner and honorable mentions
–All entries are non-returnable and will be recycled
–Reading fee is $10. Check or money order payable to RRofihe

Linda Bierds' eighth book of poetry, Flight: New and Selected Poems, was published in 2008 by Putnam’s. Her awards include four Pushcart Prizes, the Virginia Quarterly Review's Emily Clark Balch Poetry Prize, and fellowships from the Ingram Merrill, the Guggenheim, and the MacArthur foundations, and twice from the NEA. She is a professor of English at the University of Washington.

Charity Burns 2010 Anderbo Poetry Prize Contest Assistant
Charity Burns, Anderbo's Poetry Editor, earned her MFA in poetry from the University of Florida. Her poems have appeared in Smartish Pace, Madison Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, and West Branch. Charity’s blog is The Beauty Works Project. She lives in New York City.

More information here.
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