PhD Scholarship (Denmark) in Urban Youth and Language

26 July 2010
PhD Scholarship (Denmark) in Urban Youth and Language
A PhD scholarship is available as part of the research project Minority Children and Youth: Language, School, and Other Settings (the Amager Project) in connection with the HERA funded project frame Investigating discourses of inheritance and identity in four multilingual European settings (the IDI4MES project). Enrolment as a PhD student will begin on February 1, 2011 or later for up to three years. The place of employment will be at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.

The PhD student will be part of a research team in Danish as a Second Language and Poly-Lingualism, employing three tenured professors, three post-docs, and three PhD students. At least one additional PhD scholar is expected to join the research team in 2010.
Project description

The Amager Project is a study of the use of language in the lived lives of late modern urban individuals, represented by poly-lingual children and adolescents in Copenhagen, Denmark. We understand language as the means by which individuals form their understanding of the world, their personalities, and more than anything else their social relations. Our project studies the varied linguistic behavior of grade school students in their different everyday contexts with the aim of describing how individuals develop and shape their identities, their realities, and their social relations, and what opportunities and impediments they meet. The project has the character of basic research in this respect. Furthermore, our project has an applied aspect in the concentration on linguistic minority members and their everyday language behavior.

PhD research project

The work of the PhD student will consist of carrying out the Danish parts of the IDI4MES project and to formulate and carry out her or his personal project under the IDI4MES umbrella which is a co-operation between the Universities of Stockholm, Tilburg, Birmingham, and Copenhagen. The focus of this project is on discourses of heritance and identity among late modern urban youth in Europe.

Further Information

For further information about the post, please contact the project leader, Professor Normann Jørgensen,

Application procedure

Applicants need to hold a two-year Master's degree (120 ECTS) or the equivalent, or expect to receive such by 31 January 2011. Applicants shall have submitted their thesis at the time of application, to the extent the thesis forms part of their Master's program.

Applicants with a non-Danish Master's degree will have their degree assessed by The Danish Agency for International Education to establish, if the Master's degree is equivalent to a Danish Master's degree. More information about The Danish Agency for International Education is available at:

Employment as a PhD student occurs pursuant to the applicable rules of the Faculty of Humanities, as well as between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). Under this agreement, the PhD student is obliged - without further remuneration - to carry out allotted work to an extent corresponding to a total of 840 working hours in the case of a three-year contract.

The PhD student will be working at the same department of the faculty as the supervisor. Daily presence at the department is expected.

Enrolment as a PhD student at the Faculty of Humanities' Graduate School is a precondition for employment as a PhD student. A description of the PhD study programme is available at:

Applications shall be submitted via the electronic application system efond:

Do not submit any publications.

Application form and application guidelines on research proposal and required enclosures are available at the homepage:

A certified copy of the applicant's Master's Degree diploma needs to be submitted as one of the enclosures to the application. Certification shall be by a public authority such as the institution having issued the diploma or a public bureau specializing in diploma certification. The applicant may be asked to submit the originally certified copy of the Master's Degree diploma after the application deadline.

If the MA diploma and/or examination records are in another language than English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish, please include a translation into either of these languages in your application.

The translation of diplomas/certificates and transcripts must be made by or approved by either: a Danish state-authorized translator and interpreter or the embassy or consulate of the country where the original document was issued or where the translation was made or a Danish consulate/embassy.

Closing date for applications: 17 August 2010 at 12 noon (Central European Time). No supplementary documents will be considered after this deadline.

More information here.
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