Call for Papers: Intersections of LGBT, Racial/Ethnic Minority, and Gender Identities

26 July 2010
Call for Papers: Intersections of LGBT, Racial/Ethnic Minority, and Gender Identities
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research invites manuscript proposals for a special issue on intersections of LGBT identity, racial/ethnic minority identity, and gender to be compiled by guest editors Mike C. Parent (University of Florida), Cirleen DeBlaere (Lehigh University), and Bonnie Moradi (University of Florida).

Existing literature has provided us with knowledge of important within- and between- group similarities and differences in terms of sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and gender, but there is still a dearth of research on the intersections of these identities. The aim of the special issue is to publish papers from social science disciplines that have the potential to inform the literature on this intersectionality.

Researchers investigating such intersections of identity are cordially invited to submit their work. We are interested in empirical research with LGBT racial/ethnic minority persons that includes substantive attention to gender, gender-related experiences, or gender identity. Approaches to attending to the role of gender may include, but are not limited to, attention to transgender identities and experiences, investigation of gender moderation effects, conceptualization and enactment of gender roles across and within groups, and the impact of gender stereotypes among the group or groups sampled. Authors are encouraged to clearly
frame the project through a lens of intersectionality; authors are encouraged to consult the special issue of Sex Roles on intersectionality (2008, volume 59, number 5-6) for guidance in intersectionality frameworks. Theoretical and review papers on the intersections of identity that make substantive advancements to the understanding of LGBT identity, racial/ethnic minority identity, and gender intersectionality will also be considered. Qualitative studies are welcomed;
please follow the guidelines for qualitative research found on the web site for Sex Roles (

Authors who plan to submit manuscripts are asked to submit a letter of intent emailed to the first guest editor by July 1, 2010 that includes: a) a tentative manuscript title, b) contact information for corresponding author, c) names and affiliations of all authors, and d) a brief description of the manuscript content (up to 600 words). Authors who do not submit letters of intent by the deadline may still submit manuscripts (no later than November 1, 2010 , but these will be considered for the special issue only as space and time allow. Manuscripts should
between 25 and 40 pages, double-spaced (including abstract, tables, figures, and references). All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the editorial guidelines of Sex Roles ( and should be submitted via the online submission site (

More information here.
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