Paying Market: Islamic Online

06 July 2010
Paying Market: Islamic Online
Rates: Rates for articles tend to fall in the $75-$100 range, more for science and health sections - check with editors for details (per Resources for Muslim Writers.)

*** (IOL) invites you to be a part of the team!

We are opening the stage for more contributors and writers to enrich our output with fresh new ideas. Based on IOL's professional standards, your work will be evaluated and accepted pieces will appear on IOL.

Should you be interested to write for IOL, send us an email. We will contact you as soon as we receive your message and get you connected to a section of your interest. Expect to be asked for a sample of your writing as well as an updated CV.

To maintain a certain quality in the published work of contributors, please adhere to the following guidelines:

IOL expects writers to submit original material. If the material submitted to IOL has been published elsewhere, please make it clear and we will base our decision for republishing accordingly.

Attribute all information you get from other sources to those sources, whether they be a person, a web site, or another publication. Ask the editor for our document clarifying how footnotes or source listings are to be used to reference information.

Include a brief bio (three lines) for yourself to be attached to your published work.

Include content-related pictures that would help in the best display of the work.

Additional quality standards to be attended by contributors:
o Clear English language
o Logically structured
o Relevant cultural references
o Should tackle a clearly defined topic
o Should be within the focus of the publishing section
o Should be based on information that is supported by evidence (or in opinion pieces clearly shown as the opinion of the writer)
o Proper source attribution when necessary
o Article images should be relevant, not misleading, and properly attributed when necessary

Payment for commissioned articles is available and will be negotiated between you (author) and the section concerned. Unsolicited articles are welcome, but payment may not be available then.

More information here.
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