Paying Market: Fallen Horror Anthology

12 July 2010
Paying Market: Fallen Horror Anthology
Northern Frights Publishing is a micro publisher specializing in quality Genre Fiction. We love Horror and Science Fiction especially, but we're open to anything of quality. NFP Publishes anthologies for short and micro fiction, and beginning in 2010 we will be on the hunt for quality novelists to add to our stable.

Although we are a Canadian Publisher and love to work with Canadian writers, we won't let a little thing like borders stop us from running with a great story.

Fallen: An Anthology of Demonic Horror
Published by Northern Frights Publishing
Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2010

For this anthology, we would like to see stories involving demons and demonic possession. As this is a horror collection, please don't send any stories about demons being depressed, falling in love with the local high school outcast, or trying to come to terms with their humanity (face it...they have none! They're DEMONS!). We're looking for stories that will mutilate our souls and have us screaming "Unclean! Unclean!" in the shower. We want to be horrified. We want you to make us puke. We want to have a sit down with your parents and ask them how they managed to birth such a twisted little monster.

Stories we are most likely to pick up for this anthology will accomplish this on some level, while still being a great read. If the story reads like a shopping list of torture fantasies, we're probably going to pass on it.

Publication Date: Late 2010.

We're looking for stories up to 10,000 words. Unpublished work is preferred, but please query if you have a previously published work you think will fit the theme of this anthology. We promise not to discriminate because your story has been around the block once or twice.

Payment is $0.01US (One Cent) per word up to $40.00, and one contributor copy, paid on publication through Paypal. NFP is looking for one time world wide rights to print your story within the context of the anthology, and all rights to the stories will remain with the authors.

Please send all submissions in RTF format and titled: FALLEN "Your Story Title - Your Name - Word Count". All stories should have contact info and word count in the top left hand side on the first page. No headers or footers please. Double spaced in a nice, readable font works perfect. Please include a little bio and introduce yourself when you send your story in, because we love to hear from you!

Submissions should be sent to:

More information here.
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