Plenary speakers include Professor Reynaldo C. Ileto, Department of Southeast Asian Studies (National University of Singapore), Visiting Professor Dr. Owen J. Lynch Jr. (UP College of Law) and UPD University Professor Emeritus Gemino H. Abad. Paper presentors include: Dr. Caroline Hau (Kyoto University), Prof. Roderick Galam (Cardiff University), Prof. Aurelio Agcaoili (University of Hawaii at Manoa) as well as professors from the University of the Philippines such as Dean Roland Tolentino (College of Mass Communication), Prof. Rosario Lucero (College of Arts and Letters), Prof. Gerard Lico (College of Architecture), etc.
The conference hopes to: interrogate Postcolonial writing; recuperate Colonial Languages; re-territorialize Language and Literature Studies; problematize the "National" in National Cultural practices, the Politics of "Otherness" and "Othering" in Nation formation and Postcolonial Cultural studies; re-semanticize the role of the "folk" or millenarian movements in Nation formation, History and Counter Memory or Alternative Historiographies and to re-examine politics of location (ethnic, class, race, gender, religion) and cultural praxis.
This conference is co-sponsored by the Office of the UP President, Office of the UP Diliman Chancellor and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts.
The conference registration fees are: Students - P2,000; Onsite registration - P3,000; and early registration - P2,500 for early registration (before 2 July 2010). Please deposit/pay at Land Bank saving account no. 3071-0323-36 c/o Dr. Rhodora Ancheta and Dr. Adelaida Lucero. Please send a copy of your deposit slip to the UP Department of English and Comparative Literature to (fax no.) 926-3496 or decl.kal@gmail.com. The Conference Convenors are Dr. Priscelina Patajo-Legasto and Dr. Adelaida Lucero.
For inquiries, please contact Professor Pooching Testa –de Ocampo at 09178338203 and pcpraxis2010@up.edu.ph.
More information here.