Zion Imprints is seeking submissions from poets who are ready to leave an imprint with a chapbook. A ready poet is someone who has 20-40 pages of material, an idea for a title and a cover. Zion Imprints is to assist with the fruition of the author's idea.
The poet will be compensated with his or her publication. They will be given half of the print-run. Each winner is guaranteed a print-run of 50. Where further print-runs depend on the demand for their book.
Participants who are interested must submit as an attachment through e-mail (zionimprints@gmail.com) with the following as a Microsoft Word file:
1. A cover letter with a thesis of your chapbook. Simply, what is it and what is it about. The title, an idea for a cover, and how many pages it will be. The cover letter should be no more than a page and a half with a minimum of 1.5 line spacing.
2. 3-5 pages of material the represents some of the work that will be in this said publication.
3. Please make sure that your contact information is in the body of the e-mail and in the cover letter.
4. In the subject line of the e-mail please write: Chapbook application.
Zion Imprints will use your books for fundraising - to fuel the expansion of the company and its mission.
More information here.
The poet will be compensated with his or her publication. They will be given half of the print-run. Each winner is guaranteed a print-run of 50. Where further print-runs depend on the demand for their book.
Participants who are interested must submit as an attachment through e-mail (zionimprints@gmail.com) with the following as a Microsoft Word file:
1. A cover letter with a thesis of your chapbook. Simply, what is it and what is it about. The title, an idea for a cover, and how many pages it will be. The cover letter should be no more than a page and a half with a minimum of 1.5 line spacing.
2. 3-5 pages of material the represents some of the work that will be in this said publication.
3. Please make sure that your contact information is in the body of the e-mail and in the cover letter.
4. In the subject line of the e-mail please write: Chapbook application.
Zion Imprints will use your books for fundraising - to fuel the expansion of the company and its mission.
More information here.