UPC Award (for science fiction)

13 June 2010
UPC Award (for science fiction)
1. Any unpublished narrative work which comes within the science fiction genre may take part in the competition.

2. The works presented may be written in Catalan, Spanish, English or French. They must be approximately of 70 to 115 pages (between 150,000 and 240,000 characters), typewritten and double-spaced, and two copies must be submitted. Manuscripts will not be returned.

3. The author must sign his or her narrative with a pseudonym, and enclose a sealed envelope containing the following details:

Full name, personal identification number (identity card or similar), full address and contact telephone or fax.

The title of the work and the pseudonym of the author must appear on the outside of this envelope. Members of the UPC community must also state "UPC Member" on the outside of the envelope.

4. Manuscripts must be sent to:

Consell Social de la UPC
Edifici NEXUS
Gran Capità, 2-4
08034 - Barcelona
Tel. 93 401 63 43 - Fax: 93 401 77 66
The envelope should be clearly marked:
UPC Science Fiction Award 2010

5. The final date for presentation of manuscripts for the 2010 edition is July 15, 2010. The decision of the jury, which will be final, will be made public before the end of 2010.

6. The jury will award a first prize of € 6.000, and if it sees fit a special mention of € 1.500. A further mention of € 1.500 may also be awarded for the best narrative presented by a member of UPC.

7. The competition, which is held every year, may be declared vacant.

8. The prize and mention winners grant the rights of the first Spanish and Catalan editions to UPC, and waiver their right to any other monetary remuneration from these editions.

9. The winning novel will be published by UPC if there is an agreement with a publishing house.

10. The participation in the UPC Science Fiction Award 2010 involves the acceptance of its rules.

More information here.
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