Calls for Submissions: Gay and Lesbian Pride Month (and others)

02 June 2010
Calls for Submissions: Gay and Lesbian Pride Month (and others)
Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

It’s time again to wave those rainbow flags in celebration of humanity’s diverse array of gender and sexual orientation! In honor of Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, Paradigm Shift is seeking blog, graphic art, and video submissions related to LGBTQ issues and experiences. Please let us know how you would like to be credited (by name or anonymous)- deadline, Sunday, June 27th.

Email submissions to:

The modern Pride movement took shape out of the Stonewall riots in 1969, a violent clash where gay people fought back against New York City police and their unconstitutional bar raids. The incident was well publicized and cultivated a sense of community among gay people. The concept of Pride resulted in opposition to shame, which was and remains a social mechanism for oppressing LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer) people. The Pride movement has furthered the political struggle for rights by making the LGBTQ community and its issues known.

LGBTQ Pride is a feminist concern because stopping sexist oppression means stopping the systems that create other forms of oppression as well. It would not make sense to focus solely on gender without recognizing the numerous other ways a person would be affected by class, race, sexual orientation, and other forms of diversity. We invite you to voice your ideas and experiences pertaining to Pride in order to increase visibility and awareness of LGBTQ issues as feminist issues.

Some ideas for submissions:

* Discuss generational shifts within and outside of the LGBTQ community
* Describe a personal encounter with discrimination and how you dealt with it
* Reflect on recent LGBTQ-related incidents in the news
* Create an expression of Pride
* Recall a fond experience at a Pride celebration
* Give an example of how LGBTQ issues and feminist issues intersect

More information here.

Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith Publishing is a royalty paying publisher of romance and erotic romance fiction primarily. However, we also publish self-help, mainstream fiction, urban fiction, and thriller/suspense fiction. Send submissions to lofsubmissions at gmail dot com.

We are primarily an e-book publisher, however, certain select e-books that are novella length and longer will be published in print. We do not offer advances, and we pay royalties quarterly. The breakdown for royalties is 40% of net sales on all electronic and digital copies sold through the Leap of Faith website, 25% of net sales of electronic and digital copies sold through 3rd party distributors, and 10% of net sales for any print copies sold either through the Leap of Faith website or 3rd party distributors, should your book go to print.

Leap of Faith Publishing charges no fees to authors. We provide professional editorial services, cover art, and one (1) electronic copy for reviewing purposes, as well as, two (2) print copies should a book go to print. ISBN numbers will only be provided to print books at this time, but we do plan to offer ISBN numbers for all electronic and digital books except for short stories in the near future.

We do not accept simultaneous submissions at this time. We respond to queries within 2 weeks, and full manuscript submissions within 90 days. Submissions must be in .DOC or .RTF format or they will be deleted.

More information here.

Decadent Publishing

Decadent Publishing is now open to general submissions of all genres of romance and erotica, as well as urban fantasy, science fiction and fantasy with strong romantic elements. We are currently focusing on shorts and novellas, but will be taking longer pieces later. If it’s a great story, don’t let size stop you from submitting! The preferred word count is 70,000 or less. Submissions must be new material to be considered for publication, no reprints at this time. Only one manuscript at a time per author, please. If the manuscript is being offered to another publisher as well, please keep us informed of its status. Allow 4-6 weeks for us to review your material and get back to you.

More information here.
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