Clements International’s $10,000 Essay and Creative Image Contest Scholarship

01 May 2010
Clements International’s $10,000 Essay and Creative Image Contest Scholarship
Students ages 12-18 of any nationality who have resided in a foreign country for at least two consecutive years are eligible to apply.

In the fall of 2010, Clements International will be awarding scholarships to the winners of an essay and creative image contest.

This year’s theme asks, “Where would you go in your flying house?”

The Expat Youth Scholarship “Life in a Flying House” offers participants a chance to use their experiences living in a foreign country to imagine where their journey might take them next. The phrase, “Life in a Flying House,” is inspired by the idea that expat students who spend their childhoods moving between different countries and cultures develop rich life experiences.


Students ages 12-18 of any nationality who have resided in a foreign country for at least two consecutive years are eligible to apply.

You must have lived outside your home country (country of passport) and the foreign country/countries in which you lived cannot be your country of passport.

Categories & Scholarship Awards

Clements is awarding a total of $10,000 in scholarships to six students (see:

Submitting your Entry

Entries must be submitted electronically. We will not accept mailed entries. Our online form will allow you to enter your personal information and essay text, attach your image, and input your electronic signature.

Completed entries must be submitted by Thursday, May 13, 2010.

If you are unable to submit your entry online or have questions regarding the online entry form, please e-mail:
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