Where to Earn $500 or More Per Article

01 April 2010
Where to Earn $500 or More Per Article
WebUpon has released an interesting article for writers that will help them get paid decently for articles and literary pieces. Here is a summary:

1. Wish pays $1 per word, or $500 for a 500-word article.

2. Subtropics pays $100 for a poem, $500 for a short story, and $1,000 for an essay.

3. Glimmer Train pays $700 for literary fiction.

4. Scrap pays writers an amount of $600 to $1,000 depending on the length and difficulty of assignment.

Air & Space
pays $500 to $750 for departments.

5. Unique Opportunities' standard payment is $0.50 - $0.75 per word.

6. En Route pays $1 per word, with a minimum requirement of 800 words per feature.

7. Backpacker pays freelancers $0.60 to $1 per word.

8. Early American Life pays $500 for new writers.

(Information from WebUpon)
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