Nominate a Blog to Creative Nonfiction

20 April 2010
Nominate a Blog to Creative Nonfiction
Creative Nonfiction is seeking narrative blog posts to reprint in our next issue (#39: Summer Reading) forthcoming in July 2010.

We’re looking for: Vibrant new voices with interesting, true stories to tell. Narrative, narrative, narrative. Posts must be able to stand alone, 2000 words or fewer, and posted between November 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Nominate something from your own blog, from a friend’s blog, from a stranger’s blog.

The small print: We will contact individual bloggers before publication; we pay a flat $50 fee for one-time reprint rights. We will be accepting nominations from now till noon, Monday, April 26, 2010.

(More information HERE.)
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