The Next Top Spiritual Advisor: Shamim Sadiq

20 April 2010
The Next Top Spiritual Advisor: Shamim Sadiq
The Next Top Spiritual Advisor is a program where works are featured to be read and appreciated, and eventually one winning author will be offered a publishing contract from a renowned publisher (Hampton Roads).

Shahim Sadiq (author of Aim Vertically Not Horizontally) has been nominated for the program. Visit her page here.

About Aim Vertically Not Horizontally:

Aim Vertically Not Horizontally teaches us to look at the bigger picture—the people and things around us and the circumstances that shape us. Each person and creature has a role to play in God’s master plan. But sometimes we become so engrossed with ourselves, in our own life journey that we forget we belong to one big universe, that includes all species—human and nonhuman, who have been assigned their paths, to make sense in the bigger picture. Once we know our purpose, we must work hard to achieve it.
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