Jaina Sanga's The Good Price Nominated for 2009 Texas Literary Awards

05 April 2010
Jaina Sanga's The Good Price Nominated for 2009 Texas Literary Awards
Finalists for the Texas Institute of letters awards for 2009 have been announced by William V. Davis, the organization's president.

Winners will be named at the Saturday evening, May 1, annual banquet at the Radisson Hotel in Austin. Judges made decisions in nine categories including fiction, first fiction, non-fiction, scholarly books, short stories, poetry, book design, magazine journalism, and children's books published during the year.

Nominated for Kay Cattarulla Award for Short Story ($1,000) are:

John Henry Irsfeld, "Drifting Too Far," New South, Spring/Summer 2009
Marjorie Kempner, "Discovering America," Southwest Review, Fall 2009
Jaina Sanga, "The Good Price," Asia Literary Review, Autumn 2009

Jaina Sanga grew up in Bombay and moved to the US in 1980 as a student. After receiving a PhD in English from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, she taught English and Cultural Studies for several years. She is the author of a critical book on Salman Rushdie’s fiction and editor of two volumes on south Asian literature. ‘The Good Price’ is her first published fiction. She lives with her husband in Dallas and travels to India frequently.

(More information HERE.)
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