A Global Call for Submissions
Deadline: May 1, 2010
You are invited to reflect on personal experiences of deep connection
We are gathering personal stories and photos from every region of the world on the theme of connection, and will publish selected submissions in a book, to be released internationally in 2010. This project was born out of a firm belief in the power of stories to shape the world we live in, and the core importance of moments of deep connection to our sense of shared responsibility, care, and belonging in one Earth community. Amidst the daily onslaught of stories that further division, it is our hope to share moments of connection that bring us closer together and foster a common vision of a better world.
What are we looking for?
Stories and photos about moments of deep connection in your life. This connection could be with anything that has inspired in you a feeling of connection – with a culture, a stranger, a mountain, a community, or a passing butterfly. We are particularly looking for submissions from a great diversity of ages, cultures, religions, and walks of life.
Who can submit?
Everyone. We especially encourage contributions from individuals with no previous publication experience and those who might otherwise be underrepresented, such as people from younger and older generations, women, and people living in marginalized regions or communities.
General rules for submission:
* All submissions should reflect the theme of "experiencing deep connection in your life.”
* Each person may submit 1 story and up to 3 photos for consideration.
* All submissions should be sent by email to submissions @ earthcharter.org, and must include in the body of the email the following information: 1) Your Full Name; 2) Your Birth Date; 3) Your Sex; 4) Your Native Language; 5) Your Country of Origin; and, 6) Your Country of Residence. Photo submissions must also include additional information detailed below, under Guidelines for Photos. Each submission should be attached to a separate email with “photo” or “story” in the subject line to identify the type of submission. Please also include your full name in the subject line (example: “story Maria Sanchez”).
Guidelines for written submissions:
* Submissions should be in a Microsoft Word compatible document.
* 1-4 pages, single-spaced (500-2400 words).
* Times New Roman, 12 point font Please include your full name and a title for the piece on the front page of your submission.
* The final publication will be in English, but we also have the editorial capacity to translate French, Spanish and Portuguese submissions. We will try our best to translate submissions in other languages as feasible.
* Submissions must be true stories based on your personal experience. In exceptional cases, poetry may also be considered for publication.
What to expect?
You will be sent an email confirmation upon receipt of your complete submission. All participants will be notified about the outcome of the selection process by July 1, 2010. Bios and pictures will be solicited from selected contributors. Selected submissions will be published both online and in print form in a global compilation to be released and widely distributed in 2010. All selected participants will receive a copy of the book. The submissions may continue to be used by Earth Charter International in future publications and its campaigns for a more sustainable world.
Who are we?
This publication is a global action project of the Earth Charter Initiative, and is being implemented in the spirit of Earth Charter’s broader Campaign for Intergenerational Partnership for Sustainability. The Earth Charter is a widely recognized, global consensus statement on ethics and values for a more just, sustainable, and peaceful future. The themes of oneness and connection are at the core of the Earth Charter, and integrated across all its four core values: respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, and democracy, nonviolence and peace. You can find out more at www.earthcharter.org.
(More information HERE.)
Deadline: May 1, 2010
You are invited to reflect on personal experiences of deep connection
We are gathering personal stories and photos from every region of the world on the theme of connection, and will publish selected submissions in a book, to be released internationally in 2010. This project was born out of a firm belief in the power of stories to shape the world we live in, and the core importance of moments of deep connection to our sense of shared responsibility, care, and belonging in one Earth community. Amidst the daily onslaught of stories that further division, it is our hope to share moments of connection that bring us closer together and foster a common vision of a better world.
What are we looking for?
Stories and photos about moments of deep connection in your life. This connection could be with anything that has inspired in you a feeling of connection – with a culture, a stranger, a mountain, a community, or a passing butterfly. We are particularly looking for submissions from a great diversity of ages, cultures, religions, and walks of life.
Who can submit?
Everyone. We especially encourage contributions from individuals with no previous publication experience and those who might otherwise be underrepresented, such as people from younger and older generations, women, and people living in marginalized regions or communities.
General rules for submission:
* All submissions should reflect the theme of "experiencing deep connection in your life.”
* Each person may submit 1 story and up to 3 photos for consideration.
* All submissions should be sent by email to submissions @ earthcharter.org, and must include in the body of the email the following information: 1) Your Full Name; 2) Your Birth Date; 3) Your Sex; 4) Your Native Language; 5) Your Country of Origin; and, 6) Your Country of Residence. Photo submissions must also include additional information detailed below, under Guidelines for Photos. Each submission should be attached to a separate email with “photo” or “story” in the subject line to identify the type of submission. Please also include your full name in the subject line (example: “story Maria Sanchez”).
Guidelines for written submissions:
* Submissions should be in a Microsoft Word compatible document.
* 1-4 pages, single-spaced (500-2400 words).
* Times New Roman, 12 point font Please include your full name and a title for the piece on the front page of your submission.
* The final publication will be in English, but we also have the editorial capacity to translate French, Spanish and Portuguese submissions. We will try our best to translate submissions in other languages as feasible.
* Submissions must be true stories based on your personal experience. In exceptional cases, poetry may also be considered for publication.
What to expect?
You will be sent an email confirmation upon receipt of your complete submission. All participants will be notified about the outcome of the selection process by July 1, 2010. Bios and pictures will be solicited from selected contributors. Selected submissions will be published both online and in print form in a global compilation to be released and widely distributed in 2010. All selected participants will receive a copy of the book. The submissions may continue to be used by Earth Charter International in future publications and its campaigns for a more sustainable world.
Who are we?
This publication is a global action project of the Earth Charter Initiative, and is being implemented in the spirit of Earth Charter’s broader Campaign for Intergenerational Partnership for Sustainability. The Earth Charter is a widely recognized, global consensus statement on ethics and values for a more just, sustainable, and peaceful future. The themes of oneness and connection are at the core of the Earth Charter, and integrated across all its four core values: respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, and democracy, nonviolence and peace. You can find out more at www.earthcharter.org.
(More information HERE.)