Feng Shui Consultant/Writer Etc. Wanted at FabJob

01 March 2010
Feng Shui Consultant/Writer Etc. Wanted at FabJob
You can enjoy the flexibility of working at home and choosing your own hours.

FabJob guides and career advice have been featured in leading media and websites including: ABC, AOL, CareerBuilder, CNN, Entrepreneur, Essence, Fast Company, Microsoft's MSN, Oprah's newsletter, Wall Street Journal online, Woman's Day, Yahoo! and many more.

Assignments may involve researching and writing an entire guide (adding a minimum of 15,000 or 20,000 words to the template), or researching and writing part of a guide. Payment is on a flat fee (non-royalty) basis. Assignments pay $1,500 to $2,000 U.S., depending on length, for writing a complete FabJob guide. For shorter assignments fees typically range from $150 to $500.

Payment is on acceptance (within a couple of weeks of submission). We also publish writers' bios in the guide, and provide a copy of the e-book as well as the print book when it is published.

Opportunities for Experts

We are seeking individuals who are experts in the following areas to write FabJob guides for both e-book and print publication:

FabJob Guide to Become a ...

* Book Publisher
* Celebrity Personal Assistant (update to current guide)
* Documentary Film Maker
* Fashion Stylist
* Feng Shui Consultant
* Genealogist
* Holistic Health Care Provider
* Home Renovation Company Owner
* Life Stylist
* Magazine Publisher
* Mediator
* Nutritionist
* Organic Farmer
* Property Manager
* Seminar Planner

We will be giving writing assignments throughout 2010. A particular guide may not be assigned until later in the year, so selected writers may not hear from us for a while. However, we will keep all applications on file for consideration when an opportunity arises.

How to Apply

If you are an expert or professional writer who is willing and able to research and write FabJob guides according to our template, for the pay noted above, please use the form at the bottom of this page to submit an application.

If you are an expert, please specify the particular guide, from among those listed above, that you are applying to write and provide details (several hundred words) about your qualifications as an expert in that specific subject area. If you are an expert in more than one of the careers listed above, submit separate applications for each.

(More information HERE.)
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