Motor Culture Asia is Looking for a Junior Staff Writer (Singapore)

26 March 2013
Motor Culture Asia is Looking for a Junior Staff Writer (Singapore)
Motor Culture Asia is a motorcycling magazine that provides news and information about motorcycles, all forms of two-wheeled racing, bike accessories and motorcycling events in the region. MCA profiles the rising stars, motorcycling clubs, events, lifestyles and cultures in the region and actively interact and work with the key people and organizations that make Asian motorcycling what it is today. Written from a distinct Asian perspective, MCA keeps you up-to-date with the latest news, events and developments from the two-wheeled industry.


We are looking for a Junior Staff Writer to work in a fun and crazy environment. This opportunity is perfect for those who have just gotten their diplomas, seeking some maiden experience or for someone who wants to know what working in the media industry is all about. Email your resume to our Editor:


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