Deadline: 1 May 2013
PageTurners is a publishing house located in Bangalore – most famous for our book-store collaboration with Penguin India. We exist for the appreciation of the written word and community interaction in all media. This is why we created The Traversal of Lines – a collaborative printed anthology that is being sold to raise money for The Gosports Foundation.
The cross cultural perspective created in The Traversal of Lines was fascinating to everyone involved. Twenty nine talented authors were told us tales from across the globe and, following the success of this international, culturally focussed creative writing anthology, we at PageTurners are looking to create another. We want to move into new territories while maintaining our focus on interaction, collaboration and shared perspectives as well as the love of literature – both to read and write.
This book will be bigger and better with more time and space to dedicate to each of the fantastic submissions but we won’t be compromising on the quality and principles of our last literary project.
To be included, submit a short story, poem, flash fiction or creative non-fiction following the below guidelines.
For queries:
For submissions
PageTurners is a publishing house located in Bangalore – most famous for our book-store collaboration with Penguin India. We exist for the appreciation of the written word and community interaction in all media. This is why we created The Traversal of Lines – a collaborative printed anthology that is being sold to raise money for The Gosports Foundation.
The cross cultural perspective created in The Traversal of Lines was fascinating to everyone involved. Twenty nine talented authors were told us tales from across the globe and, following the success of this international, culturally focussed creative writing anthology, we at PageTurners are looking to create another. We want to move into new territories while maintaining our focus on interaction, collaboration and shared perspectives as well as the love of literature – both to read and write.
This book will be bigger and better with more time and space to dedicate to each of the fantastic submissions but we won’t be compromising on the quality and principles of our last literary project.
To be included, submit a short story, poem, flash fiction or creative non-fiction following the below guidelines.
- All submissions must be on the topic of ‘age’ – this may be what it is like to be the age you are now, what it was like to be another age, how you perceive another age group or how your perspective has changed on an experience you had at another time of your life.
- Subject line “PageTurners cross-generational anthology”.
- In the body of the email, write your name (or pen-name) the age band you are in now (five year blocks are fine) and the age of you or the main protagonist when your submission is set.
- Attach the submission as a Word, Wordpad or Notepad file. Preferably word if you have a layout you want maintained.
- All submissions apart from poems should follow some kind of narrative structure – academic-style essays or non-poetry pieces that simply describe a perspective without some kind of narrative (even if it is just a framing narrative) will not be automatically discounted but are less likely to be included.
- All submissions must be the writer’s own work and available to be published in the anthology – we also cannot publish submissions which require a note stating that they are also published elsewhere. If you have previously included your work in a personal blog or a magazine, you can submit the piece as long as there are no ongoing legal agreements.
- We cannot publish submissions which are part of a larger work – all pieces must stand alone and carry their full meaning by themselves.
- Short Stories: 2,000 words
- Creative Non-fiction: 2,000 words
- Flash Fiction: 250 words
- Poetry: 3 poems max
For queries:
For submissions