Call for Papers for a Proposed Anthology on Postcolonial/ Postmodern Indian Poetry in English

27 February 2013
Call for Papers for a Proposed Anthology on Postcolonial/ Postmodern Indian Poetry in English
Deadline: 15 March 2013

A much over-looked category of Indian writing in English is poetry, if compared to the bulk and quality of Indian prose fiction in English. The early Indian poetry in English includes such big names as Rabidranath Tagore, Derozio, Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Joseph Furtado, Armando Menezes, Toru Dutt, Romesh Chunder Dutt, Sri Aurobindo, Sarojini Naidu, and her brother Harindranath Chattopadhyay, and yet till recently it was not taken as a highly creative and original literary output from the Indians.

However, post-modern Indian poetry in English is typified by poets like Dom Moraes, Nissim Ezekiel, Kamala Das, A.K. Ramanujan and Jayanta Mahapatra. Their contemporaries are Gieve Patel, Rajagopal Parthasarathy, Keki Daruwala, Adil Jussawala, Arun Kolatkar, Dilip Chitre, Eunice De Souza, Kersi Katrak, P. Lal and others. A generation of exiles also sprang from the Indian diaspora -- Agha Shahid Ali, Sujata Bhatt, Melanie Silgardo, Sudeep Sen, Yuyutsu Sharma and Vikram Seth.

A comprehensive study of these Second Generation poets in IPE tradition is being contemplated by Kaveri Books, New Delhi. The proposed book will be published with an ISBN.

  • Contribution of any of the individual poets mentioned for the Anthology (concentration must be on his/her representative poems)
  • Postcoloniality and IPE
  • Postmodernism and IPE
  • Poetry of Resistance
  • Poetic Movements such as Little Mag Movements in Maharastra
  • Construction of Home/Nation in Diasporic writing
Any special phase of a poet’s career such as Colombo phase of Kamala Das or Jejuri phase of Kolatkar

Last Date of Submission: 14.04.2013 (An abstract of 150 words are to be sent by March 15, 2013). Interested authors/researchers are requested to send their abstractsdescribing the thrust of their papers. Final paper must conform to the MLA 7 stylesheet.

GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION PROCESS: All the papers received will be sent to the expert reviewers. Final selection will be made only if the papers are recommended for publication by the reviewing committee. Details regarding the selection of papers will be informed to the concerned author telephonically or by e- mail. The editors have the right to make necessary editing of the selected papers for the sake of conceptual clarity and formatting.


For queries/ submissions: or
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